How to Preserve Small Pumpkins for Decoration

Small pumpkins are a delightful addition to any autumn or Halloween decor. Their vibrant colors and unique shapes bring a festive and natural touch to indoor and outdoor spaces.

How to Preserve Small Pumpkins for Decoration

However, without proper preservation techniques, these charming gourds can quickly deteriorate, losing their appeal and creating a mess.

In this guide on how to preserve small pumpkins for decoration, we will explore easy and effective methods to keep your small pumpkins looking fresh and beautiful throughout the season. Whether you’re planning to create a centerpiece, decorate your porch, or add a whimsical touch to your mantel, these tips will ensure your pumpkins stay at their best for weeks to come.

Why preserve small pumpkins for decoration?

While pumpkins are typically known as a seasonal vegetable, they also make excellent decor items. By preserving small pumpkins, you can extend their lifespan and use them for more than just carving or cooking.

They add warmth and character to your home without the need for constant replacement, making them an eco-friendly and budget-friendly option.

It’s also worth noting that small pumpkins are relatively easy to preserve compared to their bigger counterparts. Their compact size makes them more manageable and less prone to decay, making them an ideal choice for decoration purposes.

Supplies needed

Before we get into the preservation methods, let’s go over the supplies you’ll need:

Small Pumpkins (of Course!):

Choose small pumpkins that are firm and free of any cracks or blemishes. The shape, size, and color are entirely up to your preference.


You’ll need water to clean the pumpkins before preservation.

Bleach or Vinegar:

Vinegar Are Effective

Both bleach and vinegar are effective in killing bacteria on the surface of pumpkins, preventing them from decaying quickly.

Rubbing Alcohol:

Rubbing alcohol is another disinfectant you can use instead of bleach or vinegar. It’s safe to use and won’t affect the pumpkin’s appearance.

Petroleum Jelly:

You will need petroleum jelly for one of the preservation methods we will discuss.

Plastic Wrap:

Plastic wrap will be used in one of the methods to create a barrier between the pumpkin and moisture.

Sealable Bags:

You’ll need sealable bags or containers for another preservation method that involves submerging the pumpkins in a solution.

7 Methods on How to Preserve Small Pumpkins for Decoration

Method 1: Cleaning and Disinfecting

Pumpkins Under Cool Running Water

The first step in preserving small pumpkins is to clean and disinfect them thoroughly. This method helps to remove any dirt, bacteria, or molds that can cause the pumpkins to decay prematurely. Here’s how to do it:

Rinse the Pumpkins: Start by rinsing your small pumpkins under cool running water. Gently wipe away any visible dirt or debris with your hands or a soft cloth. Be cautious not to scrub too hard, as this can damage the skin of the pumpkin.

Prepare a Cleaning Solution:

In a large bowl or bucket, mix one part bleach or vinegar with ten parts water. For example, you can use one cup of bleach or vinegar with ten cups of water. This solution will help kill any surface bacteria and mold spores.

Soak the Pumpkins:

Submerge the small pumpkins in the cleaning solution for about 5-10 minutes. This soaking process allows the disinfectant to penetrate any nooks and crannies where bacteria or mold might hide.

Rinse Again:

After soaking, rinse the pumpkins thoroughly with clean water to remove any remaining bleach or vinegar. This step is essential to prevent any potential discoloration or damage to the pumpkin’s skin.

Dry Completely:

Pat the Pumpkins Dry

Pat the pumpkins dry with a clean cloth and set them aside in a well-ventilated area to air dry completely. Ensuring the pumpkins are dry before moving on to the next preservation steps is critical, as moisture can speed up the decay process.

By following this cleaning and disinfecting method, you can ensure that your small pumpkins start off in the best possible condition for decoration. It’s recommended to repeat this method every few days if you’re planning to keep the pumpkins for an extended period.

Method 2: Rubbing Alcohol Coating

Another easy and effective preservation method for small pumpkins is by coating them with rubbing alcohol. This method creates a protective layer on the pumpkin’s skin, preventing bacteria or fungi from damaging it.

Clean the Pumpkins:

Start by rinsing and drying your small pumpkins using the first preservation method described above.

Apply Rubbing Alcohol:

Pour some rubbing alcohol onto a cloth or paper towel and coat each pumpkin thoroughly. You can also use a spray bottle for a more even application.

Let it Dry:

Place the alcohol-coated pumpkins on a clean and dry surface and let them air dry completely.

Method 3: Petroleum Jelly Coating

Also Known as Vaseline

Petroleum jelly, also known as Vaseline, is another excellent option for preserving small pumpkins. Similar to the rubbing alcohol method, it creates a barrier against bacteria and fungi while adding shine to the pumpkin’s skin.

Clean and Dry the Pumpkins:

Follow the cleaning and drying steps from Method 1.

Coat with Petroleum Jelly:

Using your hands or a soft cloth, coat the pumpkin with a thin layer of petroleum jelly all over its surface.

Let it Dry:

Place the pumpkins on a clean and dry surface and allow them to air dry completely before using them for decoration.

Method 4: Plastic Wrap Covering

This method is best used when you want to preserve small pumpkins that are already cut or carved. The plastic wrap acts as a barrier against moisture, allowing the pumpkin to stay fresh longer.

Clean and Dry the Pumpkins:

Start by cleaning and drying your small pumpkins using Method 1.

Cut or Carve the Pumpkin:

Cutting or carving the pumpkin is entirely up to your preference and creativity.

Wrap with Plastic:

Using a sheet of plastic wrap, cover the cut or carved areas of the pumpkin tightly. Make sure there are no gaps for air or moisture to enter.

Method 5: Submerging in a Bleach Solution

This method is similar to the first preservation method but involves submerging the entire pumpkin in a bleach solution, making it more effective at preventing decay.

Clean and Dry the Pumpkins:

Follow the cleaning steps from Method 1 and make sure to dry the pumpkins thoroughly.

Prepare a Preserving Solution:

In a large container or tub, mix one part bleach with ten parts water to create a preserving solution.

Submerge the Pumpkins:

Place the pumpkins in the preserving solution, making sure they are fully submerged. You can use weights or place a plate on top of the pumpkins to keep them from floating.

Method 6: Submerging in Glycerin Solution

Glycerin is Another Popular Option

Glycerin is another popular option for preserving small pumpkins and other fruits or vegetables. It helps to maintain their shape and prevent shriveling or wrinkling.

Clean and Dry the Pumpkins:

Clean and dry your small pumpkins following the steps from Method 1.

Prepare a Preservation Solution:

Mix one part glycerin with two parts water to create a preserving solution.

Submerge the Pumpkins:

Place the pumpkins in the preserving solution, making sure they are fully submerged. Again, you can use weights or place a plate on top to keep them from floating.

Method 7: Drying in Silica Gel

Silica gel is another great option for preserving small pumpkins and other fruits or vegetables by absorbing moisture and preventing decay. You can find silica gel at most craft stores or online retailers.

Clean and Dry the Pumpkins:

Follow the cleaning and drying steps from Method 1.

Prepare a Drying Container:

Place a layer of silica gel at the bottom of an airtight container. The container should be large enough to fit your pumpkin comfortably.

Cover with More Silica Gel:

Carefully place the pumpkin on top of the first layer of silica gel and cover it entirely with more silica gel, making sure there are no gaps or exposed areas.

Seal the Container:

Close the container tightly and store it in a cool, dry place for several days until the pumpkin is completely dried out.

After trying these preservation methods on how to preserve small pumpkins for decoration, you can choose the one that works best for you and your small pumpkins. With proper care, these methods can help extend the lifespan of your pumpkins and keep them looking fresh and healthy for longer. Happy decorating!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I Use These Preservation Methods for Larger Pumpkins?

A: While these methods are most effective for small pumpkins, they can also be used on larger ones. However, you may need to repeat the process more frequently and use more materials to cover the surface of the pumpkin adequately.

Q: How Long Will Preserved Pumpkins Last?

A: The lifespan of preserved pumpkins can vary depending on the preservation method used, environmental factors, and how well they are taken care of. On average, preserved pumpkins can last anywhere from a few weeks to several months.

Q: Can I Still Carve or Decorate My Pumpkins After Using These Preservation Methods?

A: Yes, you can still carve or decorate your pumpkins after using these preservation methods. Just make sure to follow the recommended cleaning and drying steps before applying any decorations or coatings.

Q: Is It Safe to Consume Preserved Pumpkins?

A: No, it is not recommended to consume preserved pumpkins as they have been treated with chemicals and substances that can be harmful if ingested. These preservation methods are intended for decorative purposes only.  However, you can still enjoy the pumpkin seeds by cleaning and roasting them separately.


Preserving small pumpkins can be an enjoyable and rewarding process, allowing you to maintain their appearance and charm for a longer period. Whether you choose to use rubbing alcohol, petroleum jelly, plastic wrap, bleach solution, glycerin, or silica gel, each method has its unique benefits and applications.

By following the detailed steps provided in this guide on how to preserve small pumpkins for decoration, you can effectively prevent your pumpkins from decaying and keep them looking vibrant and fresh.

Remember, these techniques are designed for decorative purposes, and while they may not be suitable for consumption, they can certainly enhance your autumnal décor. Happy pumpkin preserving!

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