How to Block a Doorway Without a Door

Are you looking for ways to section off a doorway without installing a door? Being able to block off parts of your home is important for both safety and privacy.

How to Block a Doorway Without a Door

Whether you have an extra wide entryway that won’t accommodate traditional hinged doors or simply want more creative options to divide large rooms, there are plenty of ideas you can use to create a makeshift barrier in the doorway without using swinging doors. 

From floor-to-ceiling folding screens and curtains hanging from the ceiling to DIY sliding barn door systems and chic fabric walls on track rails, we’ll show you exactly how to block a doorway without a door! Read on for all our tips and tricks.

What Is the Best Way to Block a Doorway?

The best way to block a doorway without an actual door is to use a heavy piece of furniture or another item that can be moved and repositioned. For example, you can use a couch or armchair, bookshelf, entertainment center, dresser, wardrobe, or a large cabinet.

These items should be placed directly in front of the doorway so that the entire opening is blocked. This strategy is effective because it is both sturdy and temporary; you can move the item when needed and then put it back in place when the door blocking is no longer required.

In some cases, a heavy curtain may be used to block a doorway without an actual door. A thick fabric or blanket can also be hung from a rod or track at the top of the doorway to provide additional privacy and/or insulation. These solutions are not as secure as furniture, but they may be an appropriate option if you don’t have access to heavier items.

If you plan on using furniture or a curtain to block a doorway without an actual door, make sure to use caution when moving the item and ensure that you have enough space to place it safely in front of the doorway. It is also important to monitor the temporary blockage regularly and make sure that it remains secure and stable.

Having someone help you move or reposition these items is recommended for added safety.

In some cases, it may be necessary to block a doorway with an actual door. If this is the case, you can either purchase a new door or repurpose one that you have lying around.

Repurposing an old door is generally more cost-effective and sustainable, so consider doing this if possible. When installing a door, make sure that you follow the manufacturer’s directions and safety regulations to ensure a secure fit.

10 Methods on How to Block a Doorway Without a Door

1. Use a Curtain

Hanging a Curtain Across

Hanging a curtain across a doorway is an easy and inexpensive way to block the opening. You can purchase ready-made curtains or make your own from fabric. If you choose to make your own, make sure to use thick fabric that will provide adequate coverage and blocking.

You can also add weights to the bottom of the curtain if you want it to hang more securely. While curtains are not the most secure option, they can provide some privacy and sound control. Although curtains may not be the most aesthetically pleasing option, it is a quick and easy solution that can be changed or removed easily.

2. Use a Screen

Another option is to use a screen to block the doorway. Screens come in a variety of materials, including wood, metal, and fabric. You can purchase a ready-made screen or make your own. If you make your own, use hardware cloth or chicken wire for more durability. Be sure to secure the screen to the frame of the doorway with screws, nails, or a staple gun.

The added bonus of using a screen is that it will allow light and air to flow into the room while still providing privacy. Although screens are not as secure as a door, they can be used to effectively block a doorway. Make sure to install the screen securely, as it can become a tripping hazard.

You may also want to consider adding curtains or blinds over the screen for added privacy.

3. Use Furniture

If you have furniture that is the right size, you can use it to block the doorway. For example, you could place a dresser in front of the opening. You can also place a tall bookcase or other types of the shelving unit. You could even use a couch if it’s the right size and shape. You can secure the furniture in place by using a few screws or nails.

Types of the Shelving Unit

This is an easy and inexpensive way to block a doorway without having to purchase a door. However, this might not be the most secure option. It could be easy for someone to move or push the furniture out of the way. So, it might not be the best choice if you need a secure way to block a doorway.

4. Use Boxes

If you have some spare boxes, you can use them to block the doorway. Simply stack the boxes up so that they are taller than the opening and place them side by side across the doorway. You may want to tape them together to prevent them from being blown over by the wind. You can also paint the boxes to make them look better and match your decor.

This is a great solution if you don’t want to spend money, and it can be done in a matter of minutes. Just make sure the boxes are sturdy enough to remain standing when people move near them.

5. Use Sandbags

If you live in an area prone to flooding, you may want to keep some sandbags on hand to block doorways during a storm. Simply fill the bags with sand and place them across the opening of the door. Sandbags are a cheap and easy way to block a doorway without a door quickly.

If the sandbags become wet and heavy, you may want to replace them with new ones before the storm passes.

Additionally, make sure to place the sandbags in the doorway at an angle to ensure water does not seep through. Although sandbags are effective, you may want to add another layer of protection to your home if you live in an area prone to high winds and flooding.

6. Use Planters

Have Large Flower Pots

If you have large flower pots or planters, you can use them to block a doorway without a door. Simply place the side of the planter by the side across the opening and fill them with soil and plants. This will provide good insulation, and you can also add some wind chimes or colorful items to give it a more decorative look.

Just make sure that the planters are heavy enough to stay in place. While this might not be the most secure option, it can still be an effective one. You could also add a bit of extra security by adding some locks or latches to the planters. This way, you can easily secure them for extra safety.

7. Use PVC Pipes

You can use PVC pipes to create an inexpensive movable barrier to block a doorway. Cut the pipes into four equal lengths and attach them together using PVC fittings and glue. Make sure to use caution when working with PVC glue, as it is a potent adhesive that can cause skin irritation and other health hazards.

Once the pipes are securely attached, attach some caster wheels at the base of the pipes to allow them to slide easily across your doorway. You can then add a locking mechanism at the top of the pipes to ensure the barrier stays in place when needed. This is a great way to create a secure, yet temporary, doorway block without having to purchase a door.

8. Use Old Doors

If you have an old door lying around, you can use it to block off a doorway without an actual door. Simply hang the door on hinges and close it when not in use. You can also add a doorknob or latch for extra security. If you don’t have an old door, you can often find them at thrift stores, online, or in junk yards.

Can Also Add a Doorknob

Make sure the door is sturdy and fits properly in the doorway for a secure block. Although it is not as aesthetically pleasing, an old door can provide a cheap and easy solution to blocking off a doorway without a door. Try to find one that matches the style of your home, or paint it to match the rest of the interior.

9. Use a Blanket

Hanging a thick blanket or quilt across the doorway is another easy way to block off an opening without an actual door. You can purchase ready-made curtains or make your own from fabric. This solution is great for privacy and temperature control, as the fabric will help insulate the area. Be sure to use a strong curtain rod or tension rod to keep the material in place.

Sure to Use a Strong Curtain Rod

For added security, you can also use a heavy-duty safety pin or binder clip to attach the fabric to the wall. While a blanket or quilt is a great temporary solution, it’s not the most secure way to block off a doorway. So if you’re looking for something more permanent, you may want to consider other options.

10. Use Mirrors

If you have some old mirrors lying around, you can use them to cover up a doorway. Just make sure to secure the mirrors with screws or nails if you’re hanging them up since they can be easily knocked down. This is a great way to add some visual interest to your doorway, and it can also make the room look much bigger than it actually is!

Just be sure to place the mirrors at an angle so that you don’t get a reflection of yourself when you walk through the doorway.

You can also use one-way or two-way mirror film for extra privacy. While most mirrors will provide some level of insulation, the film will do a better job.

So if you’re looking for a more permanent solution to blocking off your doorway, then this is definitely an option to consider. With the right measurements and placement, you can create a stylish entrance that adds more than just privacy.

Things to Consider When Blocking a Doorway Without a Door

When you need to block a doorway without a door, there are several important considerations. Depending on your situation and the level of security needed, you may want to opt for a more permanent blocking solution.

1. Privacy:

If you need to block off a doorway without a door for privacy reasons, make sure to consider how much soundproofing you need. Thick blankets or quilts hung over the doorway can help create an added layer of insulation against sound.

If the area is visible from the outside, you may want to opt for a more permanent solution, such as curtains or shutters that can be opened and closed as needed.

2. Security:

Sheeting Can Also Be Used

If your goal is to block off a doorway without compromising security, it’s important to select a blocking material that is thick and sturdy enough to prevent intruders from entering the area. Plywood boards are relatively easy to install and provide an effective barrier against unwanted visitors. Alternatively, metal bars or sheeting can also be used if additional reinforcement is desired.

3. Aesthetics:

If the blocking solution is visible from both inside and outside the room, you may want to take aesthetics into consideration when choosing a material. Curtains or shutters can help provide privacy without compromising the overall look of your home’s interior design. Paintable wood boards are also an option if you wish to customize the color and pattern of your doorway blocker.


There are many ways to block a doorway without using a door. Some of these methods include using furniture, curtains, or even plants. Each method has its own benefits and drawbacks, so it is important to choose the one that will work best for your particular situation. 
Whatever method you choose, make sure that it is sturdy enough to withstand any attempts to enter the room. Thanks for reading our blog post on how to block a doorway without a door! We hope you found it helpful and informative.

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