How to Decorate a Cow Skull

Are you looking for a unique and creative way to decorate your home or office space? If you want something that goes beyond the typical painting or photograph, try adorning your walls with an eye-catching cow skull! Cowboys living in the Old West were known to hang cow skulls from their homesteads as a decorative element that added rustic charm.

How to Decorate a Cow Skull

Today, people can get in on this Western tradition by creating beautiful works of art using cow skulls. In this post, we’ll explain how to decorate a cow skull so you can have an interesting conversation starter right at your fingertips!

Why Should You Preserve Cow Skull?

Cow skulls can make a great addition to any home or office. Not only are they aesthetically pleasing, but they may have sentimental value as well.

For those of us with roots in the West, cow skulls might evoke memories of family members who worked as cowboys and ranchers. It’s also important to remember that preserving the skulls of cows is a way to honor and respect these animals.

Tools You Need for Decorating Cow Skulls

Once you have acquired your cow skull, you will need a few supplies and tools in order to successfully decorate it. Some of the essential items include:

Acrylic Paint

This paint will be used to add bold colors and designs to the skull.


Use sandpaper to rough up the surface of the cow skull so that the paint adheres better.

Sandpaper to Rough Up the Surface

Paint Brushes

These are necessary for creating intricate details and patterns on the skull.


Once you are finished painting, apply a sealant to protect your artwork from fading over time.

11 Step-by-step Guidelines on How to Decorate a Cow Skull

Step 1: Prepare the Surface

Begin by washing your cow skull thoroughly with warm, soapy water. This will remove any dirt and debris from the surface. After scrubbing the skull, dry it with a soft cloth. It’s important to make sure that the skull is completely dry before moving on to the next step. But, be careful not to handle the skull too much as this might cause the bones to become brittle. Otherwise, the skull could break and ruin your artwork.

Step 2: Sand the Cow Skull

Using of sandpaper, lightly sand the entire surface of the cow skull. This will create a rough texture so that the paint adheres better. Make sure to wipe away any excess dust when you’re done.

This will help ensure a smooth surface. It’s important to not sand too hard as this might cause the skull to chip or break. But, don’t be afraid to add a bit of texture for added effect. This will give your artwork more depth and dimension.

Step 3: Apply Base Coats

Apply a base coat of acrylic paint over the whole skull. Use different colors if desired in order to achieve an ombre effect. Allow two hours for the base coats to dry completely before moving on to step four. 

It’s important to allow enough time for the paint to dry; otherwise, it may smudge or run when you apply additional coats. But, be sure to not use too many layers of paint as this could cause the skull to become brittle. It’s important to maintain a balance between protecting the skull and creating an interesting design.

Apply a Base Coat of Acrylic Paint

Step 4: Paint Details and Patterns

Use your paint brushes and more acrylic paints to add intricate details and patterns on top of the base coats. Be creative and let your imagination run wild! This is the fun part of the process and there’s no right or wrong way to go about it.

Whether you’re painting abstract shapes or traditional symbols, the final product will be unique and beautiful. If you make a mistake, just use sandpaper to erase the design and start over.

Step 5: Embellish the Cow Skull

Add extra elements to the skull such as feathers, beads, or gemstones for a unique touch. You can also use various tools like wood burning kits to create designs on the surface of the skull. It’s important to be careful not to damage the skull while adding these elements. But, if done correctly, the final product will be stunning and one-of-a-kind. You can use hot glue to attach feathers or beads if needed.

Step 6: Allow Paint to Fully Dry

Allow 24 hours for all of the layers of paint to dry completely before proceeding to step seven. This will ensure that the colors are set in place and won’t run when you apply the sealant.

Otherwise, your artwork could become smudged or ruined. If you’re in a hurry, try using a blow dryer to speed up the process. It’s important to be patient and let the paint dry fully; otherwise, you could end up with an uneven or messy look.

Using a Blow Dryer

Step 7: Apply Sealant

Once you are sure that all paint is dry, apply a sealant over the cow skull in order to protect it from fading over time. Allow four hours for the sealant to dry before moving on to step eight.

This will help ensure that the colors remain vibrant and beautiful. You can also apply a coat of varnish if desired to add extra protection. Although it’s not a required step, it can be beneficial for preserving your artwork.

Step 8: Hang the Cow Skull

Choose a spot to hang your newly decorated cow skull and use a sawtooth hanger or nails to mount it. Make sure it’s securely fastened before moving on. You can also place it on a shelf or mantelpiece if desired. Whichever way you decide to display your cow skull, it will be sure to attract the attention of everyone who enters your home or office.

Step 9: Enjoy Your Creation

Take a step back and admire your beautiful work of art! Now that you know how to decorate a cow skull, you can make more unique pieces for your home or office. But, don’t forget to preserve the skulls of cows and other animals as a way to honor and respect them. It’s important to remember that these creatures should be respected and appreciated, not taken for granted.

Step 10: StaySafe

While working with tools and paints, always practice proper safety protocols such as wearing gloves, protective eyewear, and a dust mask if necessary. If you’re using a wood burning kit, be sure to read the instructions and follow all safety precautions.

This will help protect you from any potential harm. It’s important to respect the tools and materials you are working with in order to create beautiful, long-lasting art.

Using a Wood Burning Kit

Step 11: Have Fun!

The most important part of decorating a cow skull is to have fun with it! Experiment with different colors and designs until you come up with something that makes you happy. Always remember that there’s no right or wrong way to go about it. As long as you enjoy the process, your artwork will be beautiful and unique. So take your time and enjoy the process of creating a one-of-a-kind piece that you’ll be proud to show off.

With these steps, you now know how to decorate a cow skull! Get creative and make your own unique piece for your walls. You’ll be the envy of all your friends when they see this original work of art in your home or office.

How Much Will It Cost?

The cost of decorating a cow skull depends on the supplies you choose to use. Generally speaking, you should expect to spend around $50 on paints, brushes, sealant, and other supplies.

Now that you know how to decorate a cow skull, it’s time to get creative! With a little bit of patience and imagination, you can create an interesting piece for your walls that will be the envy of all your friends.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How Long Does It Take to Decorate a Cow Skull?

A: It typically takes several hours, depending on the complexity of your design. Allow anywhere between four to 12 hours for completing the project.

Q: How Can I Make My Cow Skull Last Longer?

A: The best way to make your cow skull last longer is to apply a sealant after you are finished painting. This will protect your artwork from fading over time.

Q: Are There Any Safety Precautions I Should Take When Decorating a Cow Skull?

A: Yes, it’s important to practice proper safety protocols such as wearing gloves and protective eyewear when handling any tools or paints. Additionally, be sure to work in a well-ventilated area so you don’t inhale fumes from the paint or sealant.

Safety Protocols Such as Wearing Gloves

Q: What Kind of Paint is Best for Decorating a Cow Skull?

A: Acrylic paint is the most popular type of paint for this project. It’s easy to work with and provides vibrant colors that will last for years to come.


Crafting a cow skull decoration is an enjoyable way to bring the natural beauty of the desert into your home. While it can look intimidating due to its size, the process is actually quite simple and does not require many materials. With a little effort and creativity, you can have a truly unique piece of décor on your wall that will wow guests each time they see it.

Don’t forget to take steps to preserve your creation by applying a sealant. If you follow these instructions for how to decorate a cow skull, you are sure to have an eye-catching and beautiful piece of art at home that will bring the desert right into your living space. So why wait any longer? Gather up all you need for this project and get crafty today!

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