How to Decorate Planner

Are you looking for a way to make your planner more fun and functional? If so, you’ve come to the right place! Decorating your planner can not only help keep it organized and bring out your personal style but also keep it interesting and inspiring as you plan ahead.

How to Decorate Planner

From washi tape to stickers and even mix-and-match inserts made just for planners – there is an abundance of ways that you can customize your planner’s look. Keep reading to find tips on how to decorate planner like a pro!

11 Step-by-step Guidelines on How to Decorate Planner

Step 1: Gather Your Supplies

Make sure you have all the necessary supplies before starting your decorating process. This can include :

  • Planner (of Course!)
  • Washi Tape
  • Stickers
  • Pens and Markers
  • Post-it Notes
  • Paperclips or Binder Clips
  • Scrapbook Paper or Cardstock
  • Photos or Printed Images

Step 2: Choose a theme

Choosing a theme for your planner will help guide your decorating decisions. It can be as simple as a favorite color or pattern, or even something more specific like travel or plants. It’s completely up to you! However, having a theme will make it easier to create a cohesive and visually appealing planner. It will also help you decide which supplies to use and which ones to leave out.

Step 3: Cover the Covers

The first step in decorating your planner is covering the covers. You can do this with scrapbook paper, cardstock, or even fabric. If you want an extra layer of protection, you can also use clear contact paper to cover the covers. This not only adds a personal touch but also protects your planner from wear and tear.

Use Clear Contact Paper

Step 4: Use Washi Tape to Create Borders

Washi tape is a decorative tape that comes in many different patterns and colors. It can be used to create borders around your pages, highlight important dates or add a pop of color to plain pages.

You can also use different widths and patterns to add variety and interest. It’s easy to apply and can be peeled off without damaging your pages. But be careful not to cover important information or use too much, as it can make your pages look cluttered.

Step 5: Add Stickers

Stickers are a fun way to add personality and charm to your planner. You can find stickers in all shapes and sizes, from cute icons like animals or food to functional ones like checklists and labels. Use them to mark important events or tasks, or simply as decoration.

If you don’t want to buy stickers, you can also make your own by printing out images and cutting them into sticker-sized shapes. You can also use sticker paper for a more professional look.

Step 6: Write with Different Colored Pens

Using different colored pens can not only make your planner look more visually appealing but also help you stay organized. Assign a color for each category in your life, such as work, school, personal, etc. This will make it easier to quickly identify and differentiate between tasks and events. But remember, try not to use too many colors as it can make your planner look chaotic and overwhelming.

Using Different Colored Pens

Step 7: Add Post-it Notes

Post-it notes are perfect for jotting down quick notes or reminders that you can stick into your planner. They come in a variety of sizes and colors, making them perfect for adding some personality to your planner. It’s also a great way to add temporary information or tasks that can easily be removed once completed.

This will help keep your planner neat and organized. It’s also a good idea to have a designated spot in your planner for post-it notes, so you always know where to find them.

Step 8: Incorporate Photos or Printed Images

If you want to add a personal touch to your planner, consider incorporating photos or printed images. This could be pictures of loved ones, inspirational quotes, or even artwork. You can either stick them into your planner using adhesive or use photo corners for easy removal.

It’s a great way to make your planner truly unique and reflect your personal style. This step is also a great way to reuse old photos or artwork that you might not have a place for. It adds a sentimental touch to your planner and can serve as a reminder of happy memories.

Step 9: Use Paperclips or Binder Clips

Not only are paper and binder clips practical for holding pages and inserts in place, but they also make great decorations. You can find them in different shapes and colors, or even make your own using washi tape. You can also use them to mark important pages or sections in your planner. They add a fun and functional touch to your planner, and you can easily change them out whenever you want.

Make Your Own Using Washi Tape

Step 10: Experiment with Different Inserts

Many planner brands offer additional inserts that you can purchase separately to customize your planner. This could include habit trackers, meal planning pages, budget planners, and more. Don’t be afraid to try out different inserts to see which ones work best for you and your planning style. It’s a great way to add more functionality to your planner and make it work for your specific needs.

Step 11: Have Fun with it!

The most important thing about decorating your planner is to have fun with it! Don’t worry about making everything perfect or following any specific rules. Your planner is a reflection of yourself and there are no right or wrong ways to decorate it.

So let your creativity flow and make your planner truly yours. Always remember, it’s not just about having a pretty planner, but also about making it practical and functional for your everyday life. Happy planning!

Following these steps on how to decorate planner will help you create a planner that is both beautiful and functional. Remember to have fun with your decorating and don’t be afraid to experiment with different ideas and supplies. Happy planning!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: How Long Does It Take to Decorate a Planner?

A1: The time it takes to decorate a planner depends on your personal style and the amount of decoration you want to add. It can range from 30 minutes to several hours. It’s important to take your time and not rush through the process to ensure a well-decorated planner. If you’re short on time, focus on adding small touches like washi tape borders or stickers.

Q2: Can I Decorate My Planner Without Spending a Lot of Money?

A2: Yes! There are many budget-friendly options for decorating your planner. You can use supplies you already have at home, such as markers or scrapbook paper, or look for affordable options like discount stickers or printables online. It’s also helpful to plan out your decorations beforehand so you can purchase only what you need.

Q3: How Often Should I Decorate My Planner?

A3: There is no set rule for how often you should decorate your planner. Some people prefer to decorate every week, while others only do it once a month. It ultimately depends on your personal preference and how much time you have available.

Just remember not to let decorating become a chore and have fun with it! Overall, decorating your planner is a fun and creative way to make your planning experience more personalized and enjoyable. With these step-by-step guidelines, you can easily transform your plain planner into a unique and beautiful organizational tool. So go ahead and give it a try

Q4: Can I Decorate a Digital Planner?

A4: Yes, many of the same techniques used for decorating physical planners can also be applied to digital planners. This includes using digital stickers, different fonts and colors, and even adding photos or images.

However, instead of physically covering pages or using adhesive, you would use design elements within the digital planner itself. So whether you prefer a physical or digital planner, there are plenty of ways to decorate and make it your own. Keep exploring and have fun!

Use Design Elements Within the Digital Planner


Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide just how much and how often you choose to decorate your planner. Whether it’s a creative hobby or simply a way to brighten your day-to-day life, decorating your planner is an excellent way to make sure that each day is full of possibilities. Plus, it’s a great way to bring out your own unique sense of style!

It doesn’t matter if you plan on sticking with something simple like highlighting, or delving into the world of stickers and other supplies; either way, you won’t regret taking the time each week or month to personalize and customize your schedule. Before long, you may find yourself getting creative in more areas than just planning!

Decorating planners can provide a little spark of joy that helps keep things running smoothly and ensures that no matter what comes up throughout the day, it will be right. Decorate today so tomorrow can be perfect! Thanks for reading this article on how to decorate planner.

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