How to Decorate a 12 Foot Christmas Tree

You might be asking yourself this question, and it’s a great one! Christmas trees are an important part of the holiday season, so it’s important to ensure yours looks its best.

How to Decorate a 12 Foot Christmas Tree

A 12-foot tree is a big commitment, but you can turn your living room into a winter wonderland with the right decorations. Here are some tips and tricks to help you get your 12-foot Christmas tree looking festive this holiday season.

The advantages of decorating a 12-foot Christmas tree are plentiful. For starters, it can provide the perfect backdrop for any celebration or holiday gathering. It’s also much easier to decorate than smaller trees, as there is more room to work with and hang decorations from.

Also, having a larger tree makes it easy to hang larger and more ornate decorations, creating a truly stunning holiday display. Additionally, with an extra foot of a tree, you can use more lights for even brighter decorating possibilities. You can find step-by-step instructions on how to decorate a 12 foot christmas tree in this blog article.

Step-by-step Instructions for How to Decorate a 12 Foot Christmas Tree

Step 1: Inspect the Tree

Make Repairs If Needed

Before you begin decorating, inspect the tree for any missing or broken branches and make repairs if needed. Place your 12-foot Christmas tree in a sturdy, non-tilting stand that is properly sized for the height of your tree. Make sure to attach it securely with screws.

Step 2: Add Lights

Before adding lights, measure the circumference of your tree and then purchase a strand of Christmas lights that is suitable for the size. Begin by wrapping each section of branches with the lights. Be sure to wrap evenly, so every part of the tree is lit.

Step 3: Add a Tree Topper or Garland

For a 12-foot tree, consider using a large or extra-large star tree topper. Alternatively, you can use some garland to wrap around the top of the tree and secure it in place with a few pieces of tape. Begin adding ornaments, starting at the bottom and working your way up.

Be sure to distribute the ornaments around the tree evenly. When hanging heavier ornaments, make sure to hang them from sturdy branches so they don’t fall off.

Step 4: Add Garland

Wrap some garland around your 12-foot Christmas Tree and secure it in place with a few pieces of tape. To add more color and texture to your tree, hang some ribbons around the tree.

Begin with a large ribbon at the top of the tree and then work your way down by adding smaller ribbons as you go. To cover up any bare spots on your tree, add some non-ornament decorations like fake snow or pinecones.

Step 5: Add a Tree Skirt

Tree Skirt Around the Base

Place a festive and colorful tree skirt around the base of your 12-foot Christmas Tree. Make sure to measure the circumference before purchasing a tree skirt, so you get one that is the right size. Now you can step back and admire your work. Make sure to enjoy all the hard work you put into decorating your beautiful 12-foot Christmas Tree.

Safety Tips for How to Decorate a 12 Foot Christmas Tree

When decorating a 12-foot Christmas tree, it is important to keep safety in mind. Here are safety tips for decorating a 12-foot Christmas tree safely:

  1. Use the proper tools and supplies needed for decorating, such as ladders or step stools to reach the top of the tree, gloves, and safety glasses to protect from prickly needles and other hazards,
  2. Make sure all electrical decorations are UL approved or certified for outdoor use.
  3. When hanging beach balls, snowflakes, strings of lights, and other decorations, ensure that they are securely fastened to the tree with twine or something similar.
  4. Be sure not to overload a single outlet or power strip.
  5. When using extension cords, be sure to have them out of the reach of children and pets.
  6. Unplug all electrical decorations when you’re finished or before leaving the area.
  7. Before installing lights on the tree, check each string for broken bulbs and replace any that don’t work.
  8. Always have an adult around to supervise when decorating a 12-foot Christmas tree.

Following these safety tips will help ensure that you and your family have a safe and fun time decorating your 12-foot Christmas tree. 

How Should You Check for Balance and Symmetry While Decorating? 

When decorating a 12-foot Christmas tree, it is important to check for balance and symmetry. Start by ensuring the top of the tree is centered and straight. From there, work in sections from the top to the bottom of the tree. Create balanced looks with your decorations by using an odd number of ornaments on each side of any given branch.

Can Also Use Ribbon

You can also use ribbon, garland, and lights to achieve balance. Step back from the tree regularly to ensure you like the overall design before moving on to another section. This will help keep your Christmas tree looking neat and symmetrical.

When using lights, be sure to wrap them around each branch evenly to create a more even look. If you are using garland, work it in with the lights for an elegant and festive touch.

Start at the top of the tree and drape it down, covering as many of the visible branches as possible. Have fun with your decorations, and use various sizes, shapes, and colors to make your Christmas tree look unique.

How Can You Make Sure That Your Christmas Tree Looks Professional and Polished? 

Decorating a 12-foot Christmas tree can be an intimidating task. How do you make sure that your finished product looks professional and polished? Here are some helpful tips to turn your 12-foot Christmas tree into something anyone would be proud to show off during the holiday season:

  • Start with the right size of lights for the tree. Too big or small bulbs can make your tree look cluttered and out of proportion, so it’s important to get the right size.
  • Spread out your decorations evenly across the tree. When hanging ornaments on a 12-foot Christmas tree, make sure you spread them out in an even pattern rather than bunching them all up in one area.
  • Choose a color scheme for your tree. This will help create a more cohesive look and ensure that everything blends together nicely.
  • Start from the top of the tree and work your way down when decorating. This ensures that each ornament is placed where it looks best and where it will be seen.
  • Use a variety of decorations. Mix and match different ornaments, lights, garlands, and other decorations to create an interesting and festive look.
  • Add a tree topper for the final touch. A beautiful tree topper is a perfect way to finish off your 12-foot Christmas tree.

With these tips and tricks, you’ll be able to turn your 12-foot Christmas tree into something everyone will be impressed with this holiday season.

How Should You Clean Up After You’re Finished Decorating the Tree? 

Once you’ve finished decorating your 12-foot Christmas tree, it is important to clean up after yourself. Start by checking around the floor for any stray pieces of ornamentation and retrieving them from underneath the tree. Once everything is collected, start packing away decorations and ornaments into their containers for safekeeping until next year. If possible, store the containers in a dry location away from sunlight.

Is Important to Vacuum

Finally, it is important to vacuum around the tree to remove stray needles that may have fallen off during decorating. This will ensure your living room looks neat and tidy after you finish.

If possible, it also helps to give your tree one final mist of water to ensure it stays hydrated throughout the holiday season. Once everything is finished, you can step back and admire your beautiful 12-foot Christmas tree.

How Often Should You Check on Your 12-Foot Christmas Tree?

When it comes to decorating a 12-foot Christmas tree, the key is to check on your decorations often to ensure that everything looks its best. Check at least once a week for loose ornaments and decorations, straighten any garland that may have drooped or become tangled, and ensure lights shine brightly.

Additionally, make sure the tree skirt is straight and that any presents beneath your tree are also neatly arranged. Doing basic weekly maintenance will help ensure your 12-foot Christmas Tree looks great throughout the holiday season.

For safety reasons, inspecting for flickering lights or signs of overheating on your tree’s string of lights is important, as is replacing any bulbs that may have burned out.

Ensure to unplug lights when you’re not around to keep an eye on them and check the cords fraying or signs of wear. Doing these simple checks regularly can help ensure 12 foot Christmas tree is as safe as it is beautiful.


In conclusion,  decorating a 12-foot Christmas tree is a fun and exciting task for the whole family. It takes patience, creativity, and careful planning to get the perfect look for your holiday masterpiece. 

Start by selecting your favorite ornaments and decorations, then pick out a gorgeous garland that will make your tree even more stunning. Finally, use plenty of lights and use different height levels to create an even more interesting display.

I hope reading this post has helped you learn how to decorate a 12 foot christmas tree. Make sure the safety precautions are carried out in the order listed.

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