How to Decorate Kindergarten Classroom

Are you looking for ways to spruce up your kindergarten classroom? You’ve come to the right place! Decorating your classroom gives children a sense of ownership and investment in their environment, making them more eager to learn. Plus, it’s a lot of fun! 

How to Decorate Kindergarten Classroom

Creating an inspiring and welcoming learning environment is essential to captivate the attention of growing children in a kindergarten classroom. To stimulate their creativity, it’s important for any teacher or parent to think about innovative ways of decorating the space. Whether it’s crafting art projects out of recycled materials, hanging vibrant prints from the walls, or using colorful fabrics to cover chairs and desks – there are plenty of ideas that can help you create an exciting yet functional atmosphere for your little learners.

In this post, we will walk you through how to decorate kindergarten classroom so that children can learn in an enjoyable setting!

What Will You Need?

Before you start decorating, it is important to gather all the tools and materials that will be needed. You’ll want to ensure you have enough supplies to create a visually stimulating atmosphere without overcrowding. Here are some essential items to consider:

  1. Wall art or posters
  2. Bulletin boards, cork boards, and whiteboards
  3. Colorful fabrics for chairs, desks, or counters
  4. Laminated paper cutouts in the shapes of animals, plants, or other objects
  5. Decorative frames with photos of students and faculty members
  6. Toys or stuffed animals (optional)
  7. Plants (real or artificial)

Once you have collected your supplies, it’s time to get started!

10 Easy Steps on How to Decorate Kindergarten Classroom

Step 1. Creating the Atmosphere

Adding art and decorations to the walls is the best way to make your classroom feel more alive and inviting. You can use posters, pictures, and even educational maps that children can explore. Add some plants to the room, real or artificial. This will bring life and energy into the environment and make it more pleasant for children.

Adding Art and Decorations

Step 2. Adding Colorful Fabrics

To add a bit of color to the room, you can hang fabrics from chairs or desks in bright and cheerful hues like yellow, orange, or blue. You can also use fabric scraps for fun DIY projects, such as making paper dolls or other crafts. Another less expensive option would be to hang colorful ribbons or banderoles from the ceiling.

Step 3. Utilize Wall Spaces

If your school provides whiteboards and bulletin boards on the walls – make sure you take advantage of them! You can use these surfaces for displaying art projects done by students or important information related to their studies. It’s always nice to see how proud the children are of their work!

Step 4. Sprucing Up Desks and Chairs

Adding fabric or paint to your desks and chairs can really make them pop. Consider painting the furniture with vibrant colors, or how about hanging clothes on the back of each chair to create a unique color palette for your classroom? You can also make use of colored tape or washi tape to add a decorative touch.

Step 5. Make Learning Fun

Incorporating fun and interactive materials into your decor can be great for encouraging kids to learn. You could hang alphabet letters or numbers on the walls, have flashcards loaded with vocabulary words near the chairs, or even place bookshelves filled with interesting stories in their reach. There are plenty of ways to make learning more fun and engaging!

Interactive Materials Into Your Decor

Step 6. Install Wall Murals

Consider installing wall murals at strategic points to add some pizzazz to the room. You can use your imagination here and create whatever scene you think will best inspire the kids – from a tranquil forest setting to an oceanic wonderland filled with sea creatures, the possibilities are endless! This will surely spark the children’s curiosity and motivate them to learn.

Step 7. Add Seating Areas

Creating designated seating areas in the classroom is a great way to promote collaboration among students. You can design these spaces with chairs, bean bags, or even small tables for children to gather around during group activities. This will also give them plenty of comfortable spots for them to relax and recharge when needed!

Step 8. Incorporate Toys and Games

Including toys or stuffed animals can be great for fostering imagination. This will give the students something to do in their spare time and can also serve as a reward for good behavior or completing tasks. Just make sure you choose age-appropriate games and toys that won’t cause any distractions in the classroom.

Step 9. Fill Up Corners with Shelves

Putting shelves in the corners of the room is a great way to store materials and keep them out of sight when not in use. You can use these shelves to organize books, art supplies, or even toys – whatever is needed for the kids to stay engaged during their learning activities! Be careful when placing the shelves. However – make sure they don’t block any exits or fire alarms.

Step 10. Hang Photos

Finally, hang up photos of students and faculty members around the room! This will be sure to fill your classroom with smiles and give everyone a sense of pride and belonging. It will also create a feeling of unity among everyone in the classroom, setting an example of how to treat each other with respect and kindness.

By following these simple steps, you can easily make your kindergarten classroom more inviting and engaging for your students – both visually and emotionally! With a little effort, you can turn it into the perfect learning environment that promotes collaboration, creativity, and exploration. So go ahead – get started on your decorating project today!

Hang Up Photos of Students

5 Additional Tips and Tricks

  1. Make use of color psychology. Use stimulating and energizing colors for the children, such as red, yellow, and orange.
  2. Incorporate educational posters into your classroom decor that can be used as teaching aids when introducing new topics or reinforcing old ones.
  3. Place plants around the classroom to bring some life into the environment, which can help keep children engaged and relaxed during class time.
  4. Hang mobiles from the ceiling or walls for an aesthetically pleasing effect, but also as a way to draw attention to certain parts of the walls or ceiling.
  5. Choose furniture pieces that are kid-friendly, comfortable, and easily rearranged to accommodate different activities. A variety of seating options also encourages collaboration.

By implementing these decor tips, you can create an inviting and stimulating learning environment for your students. With a little creativity, you can transform your kindergarten classroom into a fun and engaging place for the kids!

5 Things You Should Avoid

  1. Avoid using overly bright colors. Too many eye-catching colors can be distracting and overwhelming for young children.
  2. Avoid using sharp edges on furniture or other items in the classroom. This could harm children if they bump into or fall against them.
  3. Be wary of anything that could pose a choking hazard, such as tiny beads, marbles, or small objects that kids might put in their mouths by mistake.
  4. Don’t go overboard with decorations or clutter the space with too many items – it will only create chaos in the classroom!
  5. Avoid displaying any images that could evoke fear, violence, dread, sadness, etc., as these emotions are not conducive to an appropriate learning environment for young children.

When decorating a kindergarten classroom, it’s important to consider how the room will be used and how the decorations might affect children’s behavior. Make sure to create a safe and inviting environment for learning by avoiding these five items! With that in mind, have fun with your decorating – plenty of creative ideas can help make your kindergarten classroom feel like home!

What Should Be on a Classroom Display?

  1. Maps and Globes: Maps and globes can be great visual aids for teaching children about geography and other cultures.
  2. Science Projects: Displaying science projects gives the children a chance to show off their work and reminds them of how fun science can be!
  3. Artwork: Art is an important part of learning, and displaying student artwork in the classroom can help foster a sense of pride among students.
  4. Award Plaques or Certificates: Showing them certificates recognizing student achievement is a great way to motivate them to strive for excellence.
  5. Classroom Rules/Expectations: Posting classroom rules or expectations clearly on display will help keep students on track and remind them of how they should behave in the classroom.
  6. Classroom Calendar: This can be used to keep track of upcoming events, such as field trips or holidays, and also helps students learn how to tell time.

Adding these items to your classroom display can create an exciting learning environment that encourages creativity and exploration! Taking the time to decorate and fill your classroom with engaging visuals will make it a place where children feel welcomed and inspired.

 Fill Your Classroom With Engaging Visuals


Overall, there are a few key points to consider when it comes to decorating your kindergarten classroom. First, you must ensure that the décor is age-appropriate and stimulating for young children. Second, you want to create a warm and welcoming environment where children feel comfortable and can thrive. And lastly, don’t forget to have fun with it! Decorating your kindergarten classroom should be a joyful experience that sets the stage for many years of happy learning ahead.

Hopefully, the article on how to decorate kindergarten classroom has provided you with helpful tips and ideas for how to turn your classroom into an inviting and stimulating space. With a little bit of effort, you can create the perfect atmosphere for your students! Good luck!

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