How to Display Decorative Balls

Decorative balls can be an interesting and unique way to display a variety of items in your home or office.

Whether you’re decorating the walls of your living room, the shelves of your office space, or simply looking for ways to get creative with home décor, adding some decorative balls into the mix could be just what you need to give it a little bit of added flair and pizazz.

How to Display Decorative Balls

Not only do these special accents look great when hung as artwork on any wall surface, but they also provide a splash of color that can really bring out the best in other pieces used to decorate rooms or cuddle up partials corners—for both indoor and outdoor spaces!

In this blog post, we are going to explore different ways you can incorporate these intriguing accents into your space with creative displays. Read on to learn about how to display decorative balls!

What Will You Need?

Before you start creating your display, there are a few items you’ll need to have on hand to make the most out of this project. To begin, you will need the followings:

  1. Decorative Balls: You must purchase decorative balls that suited your particular preference and desired aesthetic. These can be found in a variety of sizes, shapes, colors, and materials.
  2. String or Wire: To hang the balls, you’ll need either string or wire, depending on which type of display you choose to create.
  3. A Nail/Hook: In order to attach the string or wire onto the wall surface, you’ll need some kind of hook or nail that is appropriate for your chosen material (drywall, brick, plaster).
  4. Optional Accessories: If creating a more elaborate display, you may want to add additional elements such as twigs or other small pieces as accents around the balls.

Once you’ve gathered all of the necessary items, it’s time to start creating your display!

10 Easy Steps on How to Display Decorative Balls

1. Choose Your Space:

The first step is to pick a wall space where you’d like to create your decorative ball display. Make sure that whichever wall surface you choose is appropriate for the type of material (drywall, brick, plaster) that you are working with. If you are unsure, always consult a professional.

2. Determine Your Design:

Use Additional Balls as Accents

Next, pick out the design and focal points of your display. This will determine what kind of string or wire you need and how many ornamental pieces you should use. The best practice is to start with one or two statement pieces and then use additional balls as accents around them.

3. Hang It Up:

Once you have chosen your design, attach either string or wire onto the wall at each end where it meets the desired focal point (you may need several lengths of wire or string depending on the size and shape of your design). Make sure that you use nails or hooks appropriate for your wall surface.

4. Secure the Balls:

Now it’s time to secure your decorative balls onto the strings/wire. For this, you will need some adhesive to ensure they stay put (glue dots are a popular option). Once secured, hang up the balls by looping them through the string/wire.

5. Add Even More Interest:

If you would like to add an extra bit of interest to your display, consider adding additional elements such as twigs or small pieces around the display area. This will draw attention to certain areas and bring out the decorative balls’ beauty. You can also add some extra lighting or candles to create a stunning effect.

6. Check Your Work:

Once you have secured all of the elements in place, step back and ensure that everything looks visually appealing before hanging it up on the wall for good. Make any adjustments as necessary until you are completely satisfied with how it looks! Don’t forget to take pictures once you are done!

7. Hang It Up:

Hooks to Hang Your Artwork

Finally, once your display is ready, use nails or hooks to hang your artwork onto the desired wall space. Use caution when doing so, and always consult a professional if unsure about what type of hardware will be required for your particular display and wall material. Be careful not to cause any damage.

8. Try Different Setups:

If you would like to experiment with different setup ideas and arrangements, try using the same materials but in different ways. This will help you find the look that works best for your particular space and give you more creative freedom when playing around with this type of artistry.

Moreover, you can always add or remove existing elements until you find the perfect combination.

9. Display It Proudly:

Now it’s time to bask in the glory of your newly created display! Once everything is hung up and secured, take a step back and admire your handy work. You can also show your artistic creation to friends and family or share photos online!

10. Enjoy Your Creation:

Last but not least, revel in all of the beauty that your unique decorative ball display brings to your home. As long as you follow the steps listed above and do so with care, you should have no problem creating a stunning display that will surely wow everyone who sees it! Enjoy!

Charm to Any Living Space

By following these ten simple steps, anyone can create a unique decorative ball display for their own space. With the right materials, tools, and creativity, you can create beautiful displays in any room of your home.

From small-scale accent pieces to large centerpieces, displaying decorative balls is an easy way to add personality and charm to any living space. So go ahead – unleash your inner artist and start showing off those beautiful decorations!

5 Additional Tips and Tricks

  1. Try Different Ways: If you have a large number of decorative balls, try displaying them in a variety of ways. For example, group the same colors together, arrange them in a pattern, or combine them with other decorations.
  2. Use Other Items: To create an interesting contrast, hang the balls on strands of beads or ribbons, or attach them to branches and twigs. You can also place the decorative balls inside vases, bowls, and baskets for a unique display.
  3. Make It Mobile: For an eye-catching arrangement that can easily be moved around your home, try hanging the decorative balls from poles connected by chains or ropes. This will allow you to move your decoration closer to furniture and artwork when needed.
  4. Let Gravity Do Its Job: If you have lightweight pieces made of paper, straws, felt or similar material (e.g., pom poms), use gravity to your advantage. Hang the pieces from the ceiling or on a wall and let them move freely once you blow air onto them with your hands or a fan.
  5. Add Texture: To turn an ordinary display into a beautiful masterpiece, try adding texture to your decorative balls by using paint, glitter, sequins, feathers, and other materials. This will give the room a unique and vibrant look unlike any other!

These tips and tricks will help you showcase your decorative balls in creative ways that are sure to add character and flair to any space in your home! You can transform an otherwise mundane decoration into something extraordinary with just a few simple steps! Have fun experimenting with different combinations of shapes, sizes, and textures for truly eye-catching results.

5 Things You Should Avoid

  1. Don’t place decorative balls on a surface that doesn’t have enough support. You don’t want the balls to roll off and break or get damaged in any way.
  2. Don’t put them in direct sunlight or near a heat source; they may fade or warp over time.
  3. Avoid setting the balls too close together, as this can create an overly cluttered look.
  4. Refrain from placing the balls on top of furniture that is unsteady or not very sturdy – it’s easy for something to get knocked off and damaged if the furniture isn’t secure enough. Additionally, make sure your piece is large enough to display all the decorative orbs you plan on displaying without looking overcrowded.
  5. Finally, avoid just having one ball; instead, opt for more than one so your display looks more interesting and eye-catching!
Display Looks More Interesting

With these tips in mind, you can confidently display your decorative balls and ensure they look beautiful for years to come. Remember that all of the above points should be kept in mind when deciding how to display your orbs and create a stunning, eye-catching arrangement.


Decorative balls can be used in many different ways to create a great-looking display. You can find out how to display decorative balls with a few simple steps. Whether you choose to display them in a bowl or hang them from hooks, decorative balls can give any room an extra touch of beauty and texture.

Additionally, with their versatility in sizes, colors, and materials, you will surely find the ideal set that enhances your space’s existing style. Ultimately, display etageres and tables are great for displaying decorative balls for all of your visitors to see and appreciate! 

By giving your home a bit of color and design by implementing decorative balls, it is easy to make any living space more visually stimulating.

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