How to Make Bats for Halloween Decorations

Making Halloween decorations doesn’t have to be expensive or time-consuming. With just a few simple materials, you can create spooky bats perfect for adding haunting flair to your home this holiday season. Making your bat decorations with craft foam is an easy and affordable way to decorate for any occasion, especially Halloween.

How to Make Bats for Halloween Decorations

You don’t need special skills or costly materials to create these cute decor pieces. With just a few supplies and some imagination and knowledge on how to make bats for Halloween decorations, you can make these fun decorations and get into the spirit of the season! So grab your supplies and start crafting away!

Necessary Items

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Black craft foam
  • White craft glue
  • Scissors
  • Pencil or marker

10 Steps on How to Make Bats for Halloween Decorations

Step 1: Draw the Shape of Your Bat

Using a pencil or marker, draw the shape of your bat on the craft foam. Make sure to leave room around the edges for cutting. You can find templates online if you need help with drawing. It would be best if you were careful when doing the edges.

Step 2: Cut Out the Craft Foam Shape

Using scissors, carefully cut out the shape of your bat. When cutting around the edges, make sure to pay close attention to where you are cutting so that you don’t end up with jagged edges.

Step 3: Glue the Two Bat Pieces Together

Take one bat piece and glue it to the other one. Be sure to spread the glue evenly so that both pieces stick together well. Allow the glue to dry completely before continuing on with the project.

Step 4: Paint the Bat

Use craft paint to color your bat and make it stand out. You can choose any color you want for your bat. Add some wings using a black paint marker or felt pieces for extra effect.

Using a Black Paint Marker

Step 5: Decorate Your Bat

You can use markers, paints, or any other type of decorations to give your bat a more unique and creative look. Let your imagination guide you!

Step 6: Cut Out Two Small Pieces of Craft Foam for the Ears

Using your scissors, cut out two small pieces of craft foam and glue them to the side of your bat. This will be the ears for your bat.

Step 7: Create an Eye Hole for Your Bat

Using scissors or a knife, create an eye hole in the center of your bat’s face. Be very careful when doing this. Do not make the hole much bigger than needed.

Step 8: Add Eyes to the Bat

P glue two small pieces of craft foam together and attach them to the eyehole you created. This will be the eyes for your bat. Remember to color them.

Step 9: Attach a String or Ribbon to Hanging

Cut a piece of string or ribbon and attach it to the top of your bat. This will allow you to hang it up in your home or wherever you like.

Step 10: Hang Up Your Bat and Enjoy!

Now that you have created your own bat, you can hang it up and enjoy it! You can even give them away as gifts if you’d like. Making bats with craft foam is a fun way to get into the Halloween spirit and show off your creativity. Have fun!

Making Bats With Craft Foam

There are many other ways to get creative with craft foam and make Halloween decorations. These bats also make great gifts or party favors. With some creativity and patience, you can make an array of fun and spooky decorations that will get everyone in the Halloween spirit. Create spooky decorations together and enjoy a great time with friends. You can even host a contest to see who made the spookiest decoration.

8 Things You Might Forget to Do When Making Spooky Halloween Decorations

1. Don’t Forget to Add the Finishing Touches:

The last thing you want is for your decorations to look unfinished! Add extra details like buttons, googly eyes, beads, or other embellishments to make them more unique and spooky.

2. Don’t Forget to Paint the Back of Your Decorations:

When painting your decorations, don’t forget to paint the back as well. You want your decorations to look just as good from both sides!

3. Don’t Forget to Make Different Sizes and Shapes:

Make sure to make decorations of different sizes and shapes. This will add depth and interest to your decorations and make them look more spooky.

4. Don’t Forget to Add Lights:

Adding lights is a great way to make your decorations stand out at night. You can even add motion sensors with the lights for an extra spooky effect.

5. Don’t Forget to Add Sound Effects:

Adding sound effects like creaks, moans, or screams is a great way to make your decorations even more spooky. Just be sure to turn the volume down at night so you don’t scare any neighbors!

6. Don’t Forget to Plan Out Where You Want to Place Your Decorations:

Before making your decorations, plan where you want them to go. This will help you get an idea of how many decorations you should make and the size of each one.

7. Don’t Forget to Make Spooky Signs:

Making spooky signs is a great way to add an extra spooky touch to your decorations. You can use markers, paint, or even stencils to create fun and creative signs.

8. Don’t Forget to Have Fun:

Making decorations for Halloween should be fun! Get creative and have a blast making them with friends and family. The most important thing is to enjoy the process and let your imagination guide you.

If you want even more spooky Halloween decoration ideas, why not make a haunted house? You can use paper mache to create walls, windows, doors, and other features. Add some lights and sound effects and a mini haunted house! If that is too much for you, you can create a graveyard with decorations shaped like tombstones. You can write fun, spooky messages and even add lights to make them stand out at night. Creating your own Halloween decorations is a great way to show off your creativity and get into the spirit of the spookiest holiday!

Use Paper Mache to Create Walls

FAQs About Making Halloween Decorations

What Kind of Materials Do I Need to Make Halloween Decorations?

You can use a variety of materials to create your spooky decorations. Some popular materials are craft foam, paint, markers, felt pieces, buttons, googly eyes, and beads. You can add customized items, too.

Can I Make Halloween Decorations for My Home?

Yes, absolutely! Making decorations for your home is a great way to get into the spirit of Halloween. Get creative and have fun with it!

Where Can I Find Inspiration for Making Halloween Decorations?

You can find inspiration all around you. Look at magazines, websites, Pinterest, and more for ideas. You can also take pieces from multiple motivations and create something new and unique!

Are There Any Other Spooky Decoration Ideas?

Yes! You can create a haunted house using a paper mache or a graveyard with decorations shaped like tombstones. You can also add lights to make your embellishments stand out at night.

How to Make a 3D Bat?

To make a 3D bat, you will need craft foam, scissors, glue, markers or paint, and a string or ribbon. Start by cutting out two bat shapes from the craft foam. Next, add ears to the side and create an eyehole. Then, attach eyes to the eyehole and add details like buttons or beads. Attach a string or ribbon to the top of your bat and hang it up. Now you have a fun and spooky 3D bat!

Attach a String or Ribbon to the Top of Your Bat

What are Some Other Fun Halloween Craft Ideas?

Other fun craft ideas for Halloween include making masks, spiders, ghosts, pumpkins, bats, jack-o-lanterns, witches, or even mummies. There are so many options when it comes to creating spooky Halloween decorations. Have fun and get creative!

Making Halloween decorations can be a great way to get into the spooky spirit of the season. Have fun with it, and let your imagination guide you. Try out different materials and techniques – who knows what kind of spooky decorations you will come up with! With some creativity, patience, and a few supplies, you can create decorations that will make your home look like a horror movie.


Making Halloween decorations is a great way to get creative and have fun. With some craft supplies, a bit of patience, and a lot of imagination, you can create all kinds of spooky decorations for your home or to give away as gifts. Have fun and enjoy the process! Get inspired by looking at magazines, websites, Pinterest, and more – who knows what kind of creative decorations you will come up with!

Don’t forget the little details that make your decorations special. Paint both sides, add lights and sound effects, create different sizes and shapes, and add some embellishments or googly eyes for extra spookiness. With these steps on how to make bats for Halloween decorations in mind, you’ll be sure to create spooky decorations that will make your home look like a horror movie come to life!

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