How to Make Halloween Paper Decorations

Halloween isn’t just for costumes and candy! You can create a spooky atmosphere in your home with these easy paper decorations. All you need is some colorful or patterned paper, some scissors, and glue to get crafting. With the right tools, some patience, and a bit of creativity, you can make beautiful decorations that will make your home look spectacular this Halloween. Here’s some step-by-step process on how to make how to make Halloween paper decorations.

How to Make Halloween Paper Decorations

Necessary Items

  • Colorful or patterned paper
  • Scissor
  • Glue stick

10 Steps on How to Make Halloween Paper Decorations

Halloween decorations are a fun way to get into the spirit of the holiday. Whether you’re decorating your home, office, or classroom, paper decorations can be inexpensive and easy to make.

Step 1: Create a Bat Mobile

Fold a square piece of paper in half. Cut two bat wings out of the folded paper and unfold them. On the top fold, cut four small triangle shapes to create the body of your bat. Now glue on the wings and add a face to make it look even spookier.

Step 2: Make a Ghostly Garland

Cut out several ghost shapes from white paper and glue them onto a length of string or ribbon. If you want to take it up a notch, use different colors for each of the ghosts and draw on some faces with markers. Hang your garland up around the house for an extra festive touch.

Step 3: Create Pumpkin Lanterns

Cut out several circles from orange paper and draw a face on each one. Glue them onto cardboard and then cut out two small holes at the top of each pumpkin. Place a battery-powered tea light inside to illuminate your spooky decorations.

Step 4: Make a Spooky Wreath

Cut out several circles from green paper and glue them onto a foam wreath. Then, get creative with other decorations like spider webs, bats, and ghosts to add to the Haunted vibe. Hang it up on your door to welcome guests!

Get Creative With Other Decorations Like Spider Webs

Step 5: Create Skeleton Bones

Cut out several bone shapes from white or black paper and attach them to string or twine with glue. Hang these around your home for a spooky atmosphere that will surely get everyone in the Halloween spirit.

Step 6: Add a Haunting Atmosphere

Cut out several black paper spider shapes and hang them around your entryway or living room. You can also add some cobwebs and creepy crawlies to give your decorations an extra eerie look.

Step 7: Create a Spooky Sign

Cut out the letters for a spooky message like “BEWARE” or “ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK” from black paper. Glue them onto a piece of cardstock and hang it up in your entryway or living room for some extra Halloween décor.

Step 8: Create a Witch Hat

Cut out the shape of a witch’s hat from black paper and glue it onto a piece of cardboard. Glue on some decorative accents like stars and moons to make the hat look even more spooky. Hang it up outside your home.

Step 9: Make a Frankenstein

Cut out the shape of Frankenstein’s head from green paper and glue it onto a piece of cardstock. Draw on your eyes, eyebrows, and mouth to give your monster some personality. You can also add some bolts or stitches for an extra spooky touch. Hang him up inside your home for a ghoulish effect.

Step 10: Create a Zombie Hand

Cut out the shape of a zombie hand from green paper and glue it onto a piece of cardstock. Draw on some veins, wrinkles, and fingernails to give your creation a realistic look. Hang it up inside or outside your home for an extra spooky atmosphere!

Cut Out the Shape of a Zombie Hand

No matter what decorations you choose to make, these paper decorations are sure to add an extra spooky touch to your home this Halloween. Have fun and get creative with your designs for a truly unique and festive holiday!

8 Tips on How to Make Your Halloween Paper Decorations Last Longer

Even though paper decorations are easy and inexpensive to make, they still require some TLC to make sure they last. Here are some tips on ensuring that your creations will stay in top condition for many Halloweens to come!

Tip 1: Use High-Quality Materials

Choose paper that is thick and durable enough to withstand the elements. If you’re going to be hanging decorations outdoors, look for card stock. So that even if it gets wet, it will not get ruined.

Tip 2: Keep it Dry

To prevent water damage, hang your decorations far away from any rain or moisture. If you’re using string or twine to hang them up, make sure not to tape them too tightly, as this can cause the paper to tear over time.

Tip 3: Protect from Sun Damage

Exposure to direct sunlight can cause the colors to fade. To prevent this, make sure your decorations are out of direct light and hang them in an area with plenty of shade.

Tip 4: Use a Sealant

If you’re worried about moisture getting to your decorations, apply a coat of sealant to protect it from water damage. This will also help keep the colors vibrant and prevent any fading.

This Will Also Help Keep the Colors Vibrant

Tip 5: Keep it Clean

Dust and dirt can accumulate on paper decorations, making them look dull and dingy. To keep your creations looking their best, make sure to clean them regularly with a soft cloth or brush.

Tip 6: Store Properly

Store your decorations in a cool, dry place when not in use. This will help keep them from warping or becoming brittle over time.

Tip 7: Reinforce with Glue

If you notice any weak spots on your decorations, apply some glue to the back of the paper to give it a stronger hold. This will help keep it from tearing or coming apart.

Tip 8: Avoid High Heat

Heat can cause paper decorations to warp or discolor. To keep them looking their best, store them in a cool place and avoid hanging them up near fireplaces or heaters.

These tips on how to make Halloween paper decorations will help ensure that your Halloween paper decorations stay in top condition for many Halloweens to come! With these simple steps, you can make sure your creations will look as good as new for years to come!

8 Things You Might Forget When Making Halloween Paper Decorations

Halloween is quickly approaching, and what better way to get into the holiday spirit than by making your own decorations! But with so many things happening at once, it can be easy to forget something important. Here are eight things you might need when creating your own paper decorations this year:

1. Tape or Glue

You’ll need something to keep your decorations together. Regular tape or glue will work fine, but you should also consider stronger options – like hot glue – if you’re making larger decorations.

Regular Tape or Glue Will Work Fine

2. Scissors:

You’ll need a pair of scissors to cut the paper into the shapes and sizes you want for your decorated items. Get the appropriate size that you feel comfortable to work with.

3. Pen or Marker

You’ll need something to draw with, especially if you’re creating more complex designs. Look for markers and pens that are specifically designed for paper crafting projects to get the best results.

4. Rulers & Measuring Tape

If you want your decorations to look symmetrical and even, it is helpful to have a reliable ruler and measuring tape on hand. They will make it easy for you to figure out the exact size of the paper pieces that you need.

5. Punches & Stencils

If you want to create intricate patterns or shapes, punches and stencils are essential tools. You can easily punch designs into the paper and cut out shapes with a stencil.

6. Decorative Paper

For the best results, it’s important to use decorative paper rather than regular printer paper. It will give your decorations a more festive look and feel.

It's Important to Use Decorative Paper

7. Embellishments

Remember to add embellishments to make your creations stand out! Whether it’s glitter, sequins, ribbons, or something else – adding these decorative items will take your decorations to the next level.

8. Time & Patience

Making paper decorations can be a lot of fun but also requires time and patience. Work at your own pace and remember that mistakes are part of the process – and can often lead to the best outcomes!

With these eight tips, you’ll be ready to create the perfect decorations for Halloween. And remember – if you find yourself short on time or feeling overwhelmed by the task ahead of you, plenty of pre-made paper decorations are available online or at your local craft store.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Other Materials Do I Need to Make Paper Decorations?

You’ll also need scissors, tape or glue, a pen or marker, and embellishments such as glitter, sequins, and ribbons. Additionally, consider using rulers and measuring tapes when cutting out shapes for symmetry.

Can I Use Regular Printer Paper?

Regular printer paper will work, but it will have a different decorative look and feel than decorative paper. If you want to make sure your decorations stand out, it’s best to use decorative paper!

Are There Any Other Tips For Making Halloween Decorations?

Don’t be afraid to get creative with your decorations! Look up tutorials online for ideas, or try different techniques like paper quilling. Remember that no matter what you make, the most important thing is to have fun and enjoy the process!

How to Make Halloween Decorations for Kids?

Making Halloween decorations with kids can be a great way to get them involved in the holiday season. Keep it simple – start with easy projects like paper chains and ghosts made out of construction paper. You can also find fun templates that have already been cut out online – all you need to do is add color!

Just ensure you supervise your children at all times to ensure everything goes smoothly. Have fun, and don’t be afraid to get creative – the kids will love it!

Making Halloween Decorations With Kids

What Are Some Ideas for Making Creative Halloween Decorations?

There are so many different ways to make unique decorations for Halloween. Try using 3D paper ornaments, origami figures, or even making your own banners out of fabric. You can also get creative with the materials you use – for example, decorate your pumpkin with fabric paint or glitter glue! If you’re feeling adventurous, try making a paper mache sculpture to stand out. The possibilities are endless!

What Are Some Tips For Storing Halloween Decorations?

When it comes time to store your decorations, be sure to keep them in a safe and dry place. Put all paper-based items into plastic bags or sealed containers to prevent them from getting wet or damaged.

If you want to keep your decorations for many years, it’s best to ensure they are properly stored away when not in use. Additionally, if you’re using any electrical lights or animatronics, make sure to unplug them and store them in a safe place.


Creating Halloween paper decorations is a great way to get into the holiday spirit and have creative fun. Feel free to make more than just one type of decoration – get creative and make whatever you want! You can make various shapes or figures on paper to make your decorations stand out even more.

Have fun experimenting and see what unique creations you can come up with! When it comes to making paper decorations, there are a few tips on how to make Halloween paper decorations that you should keep in mind. Always make sure that your paper is cut into even pieces, use plenty of glue or tape to secure the edges, and take your time when adding embellishments. Above all else, have fun and be creative with your decorations! With these tips, you’ll have beautiful paper decorations for Halloween this year.

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