How to Store Christmas Decorations in Garage

Are you tired of unpacking your Christmas decorations only to find them broken or tangled? Do you need help finding enough space to store your festive decor? Look no further!

How to Store Christmas Decorations in Garage

Christmas time is a great opportunity to get out all your favorite decorations and bring the festive spirit into your home. Everywhere you look, homes are adorned with colorful wreaths, trees with twinkling lights, and ornaments galore. But have you ever stopped to think about what happens once all those decorations come down?

It can be tricky trying to figure out how to store christmas decorations in garage – especially if you need more space! In this blog post, we’ll provide tips on mastering the art of practical storage solutions for holiday decor stored in garages so that it’s easy and breezy to get filled up with merriment again next season.

What Will You Need?

Before you start packing away your holiday cheer, you’ll need a few essential items:

  1. Plastic Storage Bins: These are great for stacking, and they can protect your decorations from moisture and pests. Make sure to get clear bins so you can easily see what’s inside.
  2. Bubble Wrap or Newspaper: Use these to wrap fragile ornaments and decorations. They provide a cushioning layer that helps prevent damage.
  3. Labels and Markers: These will help you keep track of what’s inside each bin. Make it a habit to label each box as you pack it.
  4. Cloth Bags are perfect for storing wreaths or garlands without crushing them.
  5. Shelving Unit: If you still need to get one, consider installing a shelving unit in your garage. It can help maximize your vertical storage space.
Wrap Fragile Ornaments and Decorations

Remember, the goal here is to organize your Christmas decorations in a way that they are easy to find and not damaged when next Christmas comes around.

10 Easy Steps on How to Store Christmas Decorations in Garage

Step 1: Sort and Discard

Start by taking out all your Christmas decorations and sorting them out. This is the perfect chance to discard any broken or outdated decorations that you no longer need. Remember, decluttering is a crucial part of organization.

Step 2: Use Bubble Wrap or Newspaper

After sorting out your decorations, it’s time to start packing. Begin with the most delicate and fragile items. Use bubble wrap or newspaper to wrap each item individually. It’s a bit time-consuming, but it’s worth it.

This step ensures that your festive ornaments will be fully protected from impact and pressure, decreasing the chances of them getting damaged or broken. Consider placing a layer of bubble wrap or crumpled newspaper at the bottom of your storage bin before placing your wrapped items inside for extra cushioning.

Step 3: Categorize and Label

Once your fragile items are securely packed, organizing the rest of your decorations is time. Categorize items based on their type – lights, wreaths, garlands, etc. Pack each category into a separate storage bin to make it easier for you next year. Remember to label each bin clearly, indicating what’s inside. This step will make your Christmas decorating much smoother next season, as you will know exactly where everything is.

Step 4: Store Lights Properly

Christmas lights can easily become a tangled mess if not stored properly. To avoid this, you can use a piece of cardboard around which you can wrap your lights. This will keep them from tangling and make them easier next year. Alternatively, you can purchase light reels from a home improvement store. Once the lights are neatly wrapped, place them in a bin and label it accordingly.

Use a Piece of Cardboard

Step 5: Protect Wreaths and Garlands

Storing wreaths and garlands without damaging them can be tricky. A great solution is to use cloth bags or specialized wreath storage containers. Lay the wreaths flat in the bag or container to prevent them from losing shape. For garlands, you can gently coil them and place them in a bin. Again, make sure to label the bins accordingly.

Step 6: Utilize Vertical Space

Using vertical space is the key if you need more floor space in your garage. Consider installing a shelving unit or hanging hooks from the ceiling. Plastic bins are typically stackable, so you can use vertical space with shelving units. Hanging hooks can be used for storing larger items like artificial trees. Just ensure everything is secure to prevent accidents.

Step 7: Keep Temperature in Mind

Christmas decorations can be sensitive to extreme temperatures, especially items like candles, which can melt, or old-fashioned glass ornaments, which can crack in the cold. When choosing a spot to store your decorations in the garage, try to find a location that avoids direct sunlight and is not directly against an exterior wall.

This can help moderate temperature swings and protect your decorations. If your garage tends to get very hot or cold, consider insulating it or finding an alternative storage location.

Step 8: Store Decorations Based on Frequency of Use

If there are certain decorations you use more frequently or like to put up first, store them in an easily accessible spot. This will save you time and energy during next year’s decorating process. On the other hand, decorations used less frequently or put up last can go towards the back or bottom of your storage. Organizing your Christmas decorations in this way maintains their condition and enhances convenience and efficiency.

Step 9: Maintain a Checklist

Consider keeping a checklist of all your Christmas decorations. This can be as detailed as you like – from a simple list of items to a spreadsheet detailing each item, its condition, and its specific storage location. This will help you keep track of what you have and where it is and make decorating next year a breeze, as you can just refer to your list and know exactly where to find each item.

Step 10: Review and Reorganize if Necessary

Finally, take a step back and review your storage system – does everything fit? Are items easy to access? Can you easily tell what is in each bin? Can you reach everything easily? If the answer to these questions is no, you may need to reorganize. Remember, the goal is to make next Christmas’s decorating process easier, so take the time to ensure your system is practical and efficient.

By following these ten easy steps, you can ensure that your Christmas decorations are stored safely and efficiently in your garage. With proper organization, next year’s decorating process will be a breeze!

5 Additional Tips and Tricks

Labeling All Your Boxes and Containers
  1. Label Everything: Labeling all your boxes and containers with the specific decorations they contain can simplify the process of finding your decorations next year.
  2. Use Sturdy Containers: Christmas decorations can be fragile. Using sturdy plastic storage containers instead of cardboard boxes can offer additional protection.
  3. Utilize Wall and Ceiling Space: If you’re short on floor space, consider installing shelving or hooks. This can be an excellent place to store larger items like wreaths or artificial trees.
  4. Keep Similar Items Together: Grouping similar items can also make the process of decorating next year easier. For example, store all the lights together, all the bottles together, and so on.
  5. Climate Control: If your garage isn’t climate controlled, avoid storing items that could be damaged by extreme temperatures or humidity. Consider storing these items inside your home instead.

With these tips, storing your Christmas decorations in the garage can be a stress-free and efficient process.

5 Things You Should Avoid

  1. Avoid Storing Decorations Loosely: To prevent any damage, avoid storing your Christmas decorations loosely in the garage. Always ensure they’re in a container and adequately cushioned.
  2. Don’t Ignore Pest Prevention: Garages can often be a haven for pests. Ensure your storage containers are sealed tightly to deter unwanted guests from nesting in your decorations.
  3. Avoid Stacking Heavy Containers on Top of Light Ones: Doing so can crush the containers below, potentially damaging the decorations inside.
  4. Remember to Clean Decorations Before Storing: Cleaning your decorations before putting them away can help prevent staining and deterioration while in storage.
  5. Avoid Storing Near Hazardous Materials: If your garage houses any potentially hazardous materials like paint, motor oil, or cleaning supplies, store your decorations away from these substances to prevent any potential damage.
Cleaning Your Decorations Before Putting Them Away

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can ensure that your Christmas decorations will be in top condition for many years to come.


When it comes how to store christmas decorations in garage, there are numerous methods that can be utilized. Roomy plastic tubs and colorful canvas baskets come in various sizes and provide an easy way to categorize ornaments, garlands, and other festive items. Another way is to hang artificial holiday trees from the ceiling, freeing up much-needed floor room.

Additionally, if you don’t have wall cabinets or shelves for extra storage, consider investing in rolling racks or a set of sturdy shelves that provide more organizational options for fragile figurines and holiday lights. Finally, remember that wooden crates double as a great space-saving solution for all your holiday paraphernalia; simply label and stack!

Ultimately, when you take the time now to store all your Christmas decorations in the garage properly, it will save you time and energy next year when they need to be brought out once again. With some creative thinking and a few organizational methods, utilizing the entire garage space will help extend the life of any decorations and make them easier to find!

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