How to Store Decorative Pillows

Decorative pillows can instantly transform the look and feel of a room, but storing them when not in use can sometimes be a challenge. Proper storage is essential to maintain their appearance and longevity.

How to Store Decorative Pillows

In this guide on how to store decorative pillows, we will explore various methods and tips for effectively storing decorative pillows to ensure they remain in pristine condition, ready to beautify your space whenever you need them.

Benefits of Proper Storage for Decorative Pillows

Proper storage of decorative pillows has many benefits, including:

Protecting the Fabric:

By storing your pillows properly, you can protect the fabric from dust, dirt, and other environmental factors that can cause discoloration or damage to the fabric.

Preserving Shape and Fluffiness:

Storing decorative pillows in a compressed manner for extended periods of time can cause them to lose their shape and fluffiness. By storing them properly, you can help maintain their form and ensure they look as good as new when you use them again.

Saving Space:

Decorative pillows take up a lot of space, especially if you have multiple sets. Proper storage methods will not only help keep your pillows in good condition but also save space in your home.

9 Easy Steps-by-step Guidelines on How to Store Decorative Pillows

Step 1: Prepare Your Pillows

Before storing your decorative pillows, it’s important to prepare them properly. Begin by thoroughly cleaning each pillow according to the care instructions provided by the manufacturer. This may involve spot cleaning, hand washing, or using a gentle machine wash. Once cleaned, allow the pillows to dry completely, as storing damp pillows can lead to mold and mildew growth.

Fluff the Pillows

Fluff the pillows to restore their shape and check for any signs of damage. Taking the time to clean and inspect your pillows ensures they are in the best condition for storage, ready to brighten up your space when needed.

Step 2: Choose the Right Storage Container

Selecting the appropriate storage container is crucial in maintaining the quality of your decorative pillows. Opt for breathable containers such as cotton storage bags or canvas bins, which allow air circulation and help prevent moisture buildup that can lead to mold and mildew. If you prefer using plastic bins, ensure they have ventilation holes or include desiccant packets inside to absorb excess moisture.

Ensure the container is large enough to hold your pillows without excessive compression, as this can affect their shape and fluffiness.

Label the containers clearly for easy identification when you need to retrieve your pillows. By choosing the right storage container, you provide an ideal environment that prolongs the life and appearance of your decorative pillows.

Step 3: Use Acid-Free Tissue Paper

To further protect your decorative pillows while in storage, use acid-free tissue paper. This type of tissue paper is free from chemicals that can degrade fabric over time.

Begin by placing a layer of acid-free tissue paper at the bottom of the storage container. Then, wrap each pillow individually in the tissue paper, making sure it’s fully covered.

This will create a barrier that shields the pillows from dust, dirt, and potential abrasions.

Additionally, the tissue paper helps in maintaining the integrity of delicate fabrics and embellishments, ensuring your pillows remain in top condition. Once wrapped, carefully place the pillows in the storage container, layering with additional tissue paper between each pillow if stacking is necessary. This step not only extends the lifespan of your pillows but also helps preserve their aesthetic appeal for future use.

Step 4: Avoid Direct Sunlight and Moisture

Free From Direct Sunlight

When storing your decorative pillows, it’s essential to select a location that is free from direct sunlight and excessive moisture.

Prolonged exposure to sunlight can cause the colors of your pillows to fade, while damp environments can lead to the growth of mold and mildew, which can damage both the fabric and the filling of your pillows.

Choose a cool, dry place such as a closet, under-bed storage, or a climate-controlled attic or basement.

Avoid areas that are prone to temperature fluctuations and humidity, such as garages or non-climate-controlled storage units.

By keeping your pillows away from harmful elements, you can help preserve their vibrancy and structural integrity, ensuring they remain fresh and beautiful for future use.

Step 5: Rotate Your Storage

If you have multiple sets of decorative pillows, it’s beneficial to rotate their storage periodically. This helps prevent any one set from being compressed for extended periods, which can lead to flattening and loss of shape. It also allows each set to breathe and prevents any potential deterioration of the fabric or filling.

Rotate your storage every few months, swapping out the sets that are currently in use with those in storage. This simple step ensures all your decorative pillows receive equal care and attention, prolonging their lifespan and maintaining their appearance.

Step 6: Do Not Store near Heat Sources

Such as Radiators

Avoid storing your decorative pillows near heat sources such as radiators, heaters, or stoves. Excessive heat can weaken the fabric fibers, potentially causing them to become brittle and prone to tearing.

It can also affect the fillings inside the pillows, causing them to lose their fluffiness and support. Additionally, some decorative elements, like sequins or beads, may warp or melt under high temperatures, leading to irreparable damage.

Choose storage locations that offer a stable, moderate temperature to maintain the quality and longevity of your pillows.

By keeping your pillows away from heat sources, you ensure they remain in optimal condition and are ready to enhance your living space whenever needed.

Step 7: Store Similar Pillows Together

When storing your decorative pillows, it’s best to group them according to their size, shape, and fabric type. This makes it easier to locate specific sets when needed and helps prevent any potential damage from friction caused by mixing different materials.

For example, store square-shaped pillows together in one container and round or rectangular ones in separate containers. You can also choose to store similar fabrics together, such as silk or velvet pillows grouped in a single storage location.

By keeping like items together, you reduce the risk of damage and make it more convenient to find the perfect pillow for your décor needs. This step also helps maintain the structural integrity and appearance of your pillows, ensuring they remain in top condition for future use.

Step 8: Consider Vacuum Sealed Bags

For longer term storage, consider using vacuum-sealed bags to protect your decorative pillow.

These bags use a vacuum to remove excess air, compressing the pillow and creating a tight seal that protects it from dust, moisture, and potential pests.

Vacuum-sealed Bags Are an Excellent

However, be cautious when using these bags for pillows with delicate embellishments as the compression can damage them over time.

Vacuum-sealed bags are an excellent option if you have limited storage space or need to store your decorative pillows for extended periods.

Just remember to fluff and reshape your pillows after removing them from the bag before use.

Step 9: Inspect Before Use

Before using any stored decorative pillows, take some time to inspect them thoroughly. Check for any signs of damage, including tears, loose seams, or flattened fillings.

If you notice any issues, address them promptly to prevent further damage and maintain the overall quality of your pillows.

You should also give your pillows a good fluffing before using them to restore their shape and plumpness. This step ensures that your decorative pillows retain their desired aesthetic and provide optimal comfort for you and your guests.

By following these steps on how to store decorative pillows, you can ensure that your beautiful decorative pillows remain in perfect condition while in storage and are always ready to enhance your home décor whenever needed.

With proper care and maintenance, your decorative pillows will continue to add beauty and comfort to your living space for years to come.  So, go ahead and switch up your décor with confidence, knowing that your stored pillows are safe and well-kept. Happy decorating!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I Store My Decorative Pillows in Plastic Bags Instead of Containers?

A: It is not recommended to store pillows in plastic bags as they can trap moisture, leading to potential mold and mildew growth. Use breathable storage containers or fabric pillow protectors instead.

Q: How Often Should I Rotate My Decorative Pillow Storage?

A: It is recommended to rotate your storage every few months to prevent any one set of pillows from being compressed for extended periods. This helps maintain their shape and quality.

Q: Can I Wash My Pillows Before Storing?

A: It is not necessary to wash your decorative pillows before storing them unless they are visibly dirty or have an unpleasant odor. If you do wash them, ensure they are completely dry before storing them to prevent mold growth.


Storing decorative pillows properly is essential to maintaining their beauty, longevity, and functionality. By following the outlined steps on how to store decorative pillows, you can ensure your pillows remain vibrant, fluffy, and free from damage.

From selecting the right storage containers to rotating your pillows regularly, each measure contributes to preserving their quality.

Avoiding heat sources, grouping similar pillows together, and inspecting them before use further safeguard your pillows’ aesthetic appeal.

By dedicating a little time to proper storage, you ensure that your decorative pillows will continually enhance your living space with comfort and style. Happy decorating!

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