How to Decorate a Cinnamon Broom

Cinnamon brooms are a popular autumn decoration, bringing the warm smells and earthy tones of fall into your home. While they may look intimidating with their intricate details and various materials, they’re actually quite easy to personalize and decorate! 

How to Decorate a Cinnamon Broom

With just a few supplies and some creative flair, you can easily make your own cinnamon broom decorations to brighten up both indoor and outdoor spaces this season. Read on for instructions on how to decorate a cinnamon broom that brings festive vibes wherever you place them!

What Should I Do with My Cinnamon Broom?

Once you have a cinnamon broom, there are several different options for how to decorate it. One option is to use fabric or ribbon to wrap around the broom and add some color. You can either wrap one piece of fabric or ribbon around the entire broom, or you can get creative and mix and match several different colors and patterns.

You can also use flowers, beads, or other decorative items to add more texture and detail. Just make sure that whatever you choose is secure enough not to fall off during the broom’s use.

Another option is to paint or dye your broom using fabric dyes or paints specifically designed for fabrics and fibers. This will allow you to create a unique and vibrant look that will last for years to come.

Finally, if you want something more permanent, you can use stencils or stamps to create patterns on your broom. This is a great way to personalize it with symbols, images, or words of your choice. You can also use glitter or sequins to add some sparkle and shine.

No matter what you choose, with a bit of creativity and effort, your cinnamon broom can become an eye-catching statement piece that will be sure to bring a touch of beauty and style to any room in your home!

10 Methods on How to Decorate a Cinnamon Broom

1. Dry Brush Technique 

To give your cinnamon broom a unique and rustic look, try the dry brush technique. Take some liquid paint in a light color and brush it onto the broom, going with the grain of the fibers. Then, take some paint in a darker shade and lightly dry brush over the top to create an interesting pattern.

If desired, you can also apply other colors of paint to accentuate certain areas of the broom.

Cinnamon Broom a Unique and Rustic Look

Once you’ve finished, heat set the colors with a blow dryer or heat gun before moving on to step two. If you’re using a fabric dye, use the same technique to apply it to the broom. Although this technique takes a bit of time, it creates an interesting and unique look for your cinnamon broom.

2. Embellishments 

Add special touches to your cinnamon broom by using embellishments like buttons, ribbons, charms, or beads. You can use hot glue or fabric glue to adhere these decorations directly onto your broom handle or tie them around with twine or ribbon for an easy way to change up your designs from time to time.

You can even attach small pom-poms or feathers to the end of the broom for an extra pop of color. For a more traditional look, you can use jute or twine to wrap around the broom for a rustic-inspired design. Experiment with different colors and shapes to create the perfect look for your cinnamon broom.

3. Wrapped Handle 

Transform your cinnamon broom into something truly special by wrapping its handle in colorful yarns and fabrics that are durable enough to withstand outdoor elements and sun exposure if necessary.

Pick fabrics that have fun patterns and bright colors so they stand out against any background, as well as compliment any existing decor in your home or garden area. Start by measuring the length of your broom handle, then cut a piece of fabric or yarn in that length.

Transform Your Cinnamon Broom Into Something

Secure one end of the fabric to the handle with a small piece of craft wire or twine, then begin wrapping the fabric around the handle. Secure the end of the fabric to the other end of the handle with wire or twine. When the wrapping is finished, tie a few decorative bows around the broom handle for a truly unique finishing touch.

Your broom is now ready to be added as a special decorative accent to your home or garden area.

4. Paint Pens 

Greet guests with some warmth and cheerfulness when they arrive at your doorstep by painting words and phrases directly onto your cinnamon broom handle with paint pens that are weatherproof and safe for outdoor use. This is perfect for adding inspiring quotes like “Welcome” and “Happiness is Homemade,” among many others!

Cinnamon Broom Handle With Paint Pens

Celebrations like Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas are great opportunities to spice things up with some colors and holiday-themed messages. Be sure that the paint pens you use are specifically formulated for outdoor use, as not all markers will be able to withstand the rain and snow.

5. Glitter 

Who doesn’t love glitter? Give your broom handle extra sparkle by covering it lightly with craft glue before sprinkling glitter on top for added texture and shine! Just be sure that whatever type of glitter you choose won’t easily rub off onto surfaces/hands when touched, especially if you’re using it near an entryway where people frequently come in contact with it. 

Additionally, you may want to seal the glitter with a clear coat of varnish or aerosol spray once you’re done. This will help keep it from flaking off over time.

6. Mosses & Twigs 

For an organic look, add pieces of mosses or small twigs around the circumference of your cinnamon broom handle for a fun texture! You can even attach flowers around the edges if desired too!

To ensure that these items stay put while outside and exposed to windy conditions, use a strong adhesive such as E6000 glue which will work best on different materials, including wood, plastic, etc. 

However, make sure that whatever adhesive you use is both non-toxic and water-proof so it will stay in place even when exposed to rain or other wet environments. Once the mosses and twigs are secured onto the broom, your decorating is complete!

7. Spray Paint 

Using spray paints gives you all kinds of ways to customize not just the look of the bristles but also its handle! Use bright hues such as yellows, blues, and purples, amongst many others, to create abstract designs on both parts of this decorative item – just make sure that you protect other surfaces nearby before spraying these aerosol paints all around.

If you want a more subtle look, use muted colors such as white and beige for a simple but elegant design. For best results, make sure to apply several thin layers of paint, allowing them to dry in between. This way, the colors can achieve a more even and consistent finish!

8. Pom Poms 

Add pom poms along both sides of this holiday decoration for an extra pop of color! Pom poms come in various sizes, so make sure you pick ones that match up nicely with each other when placed side-by-side along this item’s length; if desired, you can attach larger ones at one end while smaller ones at another area too!

Thread a thin piece of string through each pom-pom and tie them securely at one end around the top of your broom; you may need to make a few knots to ensure the pom-poms stay in place. Finally, tie some extra string at the end of your broom if you wish to hang it.

And there you have it, a beautiful and festive cinnamon broom for the holidays! Have fun decorating!

9. Fabric Ribbons 

Create a beautiful bow design at one end of this piece by looping fabric ribbons around its handle several times and then tying them together into nice neat bows; add extra accents like bells or pearls depending on what type of theme is being used throughout home decor during specific holidays such as Christmas etc.

Create a Beautiful Bow Design

To respond to the full seasonal effect, you can use multiple types and colors of fabric ribbons, such as metallic or velvet.

10. Stencils 

Transfer pretty designs onto both sides of this stick-like object by using stencils made from felt paper; these design templates allow quick application without having messed up any surrounding areas by spilling liquids like paints or glues etc.

Just trace out whatever designs catch your fancy, then finish off the look with eyelets/beads near openings/tips created due to openings used for attaching ribbons, etc.


Now that you know how to decorate a cinnamon broom, it’s time to get started on your own project! Whether you want to give one of these crafty gifts away or keep it for yourself, this is a fun activity that anyone can enjoy. 

With just a few simple supplies and some creativity, you can create a beautiful and fragrant decoration for any season.

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