How to Decorate Classroom Windows

Are you feeling a bit uninspired when it comes to decorating your classroom windows? Suit up in your creative best and set aside some time for an at-home project that’ll make all the difference! Decorating your classroom windows is a great way to bring color and style into any room, no matter what your budget.

How to Decorate Classroom Windows

Whether you’re looking for easy DIY solutions or need ideas on how to decorate classroom windows, this blog post has got you covered with everything from window treatments to wall hangings – perfect for jazzing up those panes while sprucing up the look of your space. Read on as we explore how to give life back into those tired old windows today!

How Do I Make My Classroom Look Beautiful?

The best way to make your classroom look beautiful is by taking the time to decorate. There are many ways you can decorate your classroom windows that will help create a cozy and inviting space while also adding personality and style to the room. Here are some ideas for how to spruce up those windows!

1) Hang-Up Curtains:

Curtains can instantly add a touch of warmth and style to your classroom. Choose curtains in vibrant colors, fun prints, or bright patterns to make your windows the focal point of the room.

2) Add Stickers and Wall Decals:

There are so many wall decals, stickers, and paintings that you can add to your classroom windows for some extra personality. Try adding shapes, quotes, or images that coordinate with the subject you are teaching!

3) Put-Up Posters:

Poster boards and foam boards come in all types of sizes and colors – making them great for decorating classroom windows. Hang up posters about different topics related to the class you’re teaching or post inspirational messages to motivate students.

4) Place Plants:

Putting plants near classroom windows can be a great way to liven up the room. Not only do they add some greenery, but certain types of plants can also improve air quality and reduce stress levels for everyone in the room.

By following these simple tips, you can make your classroom look beautiful and inviting. With just a few decorations, your windows will become the highlight of the room!

Putting Plants Near Classroom Windows

10 Methods on How to Decorate Classroom Windows

1. Hang Curtains

Hanging curtains is an easy and effective way to decorate classroom windows. Curtains can add color and pattern to the room and can also be used to control light and privacy. When choosing curtains, look for a material that’s durable and easy to clean since classrooms can get messy.

Consider using blackout curtains if you want to keep out any light so that students can work without distraction. If you’re looking for something more creative, you can also hang multiple layers of different fabrics to create a unique look.

2. Use Window Clings

Window clings are another easy way to decorate classroom windows. They come in all shapes, sizes, and designs, depending on your classroom’s theme. Window clings are perfect for adding some color to your window without blocking out any light.

They can be applied quickly and easily and then removed just as simply when you’re ready to change the look of your windows. All you need to do is spray the window with a little water and then apply the cling. It’s an easy, no-mess way to add some fun and whimsy to your space.

3. Paint Windows

Painted windows are a fun and creative way to decorate classroom windows. It allows you to customize the window design and create something unique that reflects your individual style or the room’s theme. To paint windows, first, remove the windowpanes. Then, use a paintbrush or foam brush to apply primer and then your chosen paint color.

Painted Windows Are a Fun

Choose specialty paints if you want to create a particular look, like a marbleized effect or a stained glass pattern. After the paint is dry, reattach the windowpanes. To finish the window decor, add vinyl stickers or designs that match your theme.

It’s also possible to make a mural on the windows or add written words or messages that are inspirational. This is a great way to give your classroom windows a unique and personal touch.

4. Apply Wallpaper

Applying wallpaper to classroom windows is another easy way to add color and pattern. Wallpaper is available in a variety of colors and designs and can be easily applied with wallpaper adhesive.

When choosing wallpaper for your classroom windows, you might want to choose something with a more subtle pattern or design so as not to distract from the learning environment.

Additionally, make sure to choose a wallpaper that is easy to clean and maintain. Once the wallpaper is applied properly, you can use various window treatments, such as curtains and blinds, to enhance the overall look.

5. Hang Posters

Hanging posters is a simple way to decorate classroom windows. Posters can be hung using tape, tacks, or poster hangers. Inspirational quotes, pictures of students’ accomplishments, and other artwork can be hung on the windows for everyone to see.

It is also a great activity for the students to get involved in by letting them choose which posters they would like to hang. Just remember to be sure not to cover up any natural light that comes in through the windows.

Artwork Can Be Hung on the Windows

6. Decorate with Contact Paper

Contact paper is another easy way to decorate classroom windows. Contact paper is available in a variety of colors and designs and can be easily applied with adhesive spray or double-sided tape. Use contact paper to create colorful borders around the window or even draw shapes with it on the glass.

If needed, you can also use stencils or templates to create specific shapes and designs. You can mix and match different colors or use a single color for an even more uniform look. When you’re finished, the windows will look like they’ve been professionally decorated.

7. Use Stencils

Stencils are another great way to decorate classroom windows. If you want to bring a unique design to your classroom windows, stencils can be used to create intricate and personalized designs. You can either purchase pre-made stencils or create your own, depending on what you would like to achieve.

When using stencils, be sure to use a paint that is specifically designed for use on windows, as well as a window-safe adhesive to keep the stencil in place. Carefully follow the instructions provided with the stencil to ensure your design is accurate and aesthetically pleasing. Once you’re finished, you will have a beautiful and unique window display.

8. Apply Window Films

Window films are another popular way to decorate classroom windows. Window films are available in a variety of colors and designs and can be easily applied with adhesive spray or double-sided tape. To apply window films, start by measuring the length and width of the window.

Once you have your measurements, cut out a piece of window film a few inches larger than the window. Spray one side of the film with adhesive spray and carefully apply it to the window, making sure to work out all the air bubbles and wrinkles. Finally, use a razor blade to trim off any excess film around the edges for a clean look.

9. Embellish with Stickers

Stickers are a great way to add color and pattern to classroom windows. Consider using nature-themed stickers like birds, leaves, and flowers in seasonal colors. If you have multiple windows, mix up the designs for a fun and interesting look. Be sure to clean the glass surface with window cleaner before applying stickers in order to get a more thorough adhesive bond.

Sticking them to the inside of windows will also help protect them from wear and tear due to the opening and closing of windowpanes. If desired, you can layer different sizes of stickers for an even more eye-catching effect. Stickers are an easy and affordable way to brighten up classroom windows!

10. Hang Banners

Banners are another easy and effective way to decorate classroom windows. They can be hung using tape, tacks, or banner hangers. Banners can feature messages of inspiration or school pride. They can also incorporate student artwork. Banners that feature a school’s mascot or colors can help promote school spirit and pride.

Adding Banners to Classroom Windows

Adding banners to classroom windows is an inexpensive way to add a lot of color and personality to the room. However, keep in mind that banners should be made of material that can hang easily and won’t tear or fray over time. Carefully consider the type of material used when creating a banner for your classroom windows.


There are many ways to decorate classroom windows and make them a focal point in the room. By using paint, fabric, or even paper cut-outs, you can create a unique look that will brighten up any space. With a little creativity, your windows can be an asset to your classroom décor. 
We hope this guide on how to decorate classroom windows was helpful.

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