How to Decorate a Classroom With No Money

Are you a teacher trying to create an inviting and inspiring learning environment for your students, but have limited funds? You don’t need to break the bank in order to decorate your classroom. There are plenty of simple and creative ideas out there that will help you decorate on a budget.

In this blog post on how to decorate a classroom with no money, we’ll share some tips on how you can transform bare walls into vibrant spaces without spending much money at all! Read on to learn more about how to effectively decorate a classroom with no money.

How to Decorate a Classroom With No Money

Needed Materials

Below are a few materials that you will need to get started:

Recycled Materials:

Instead of throwing away old newspapers, cardboard boxes, and paper cups, save them to use in your classroom decoration. These items can be easily transformed into creative decorations like paper mache sculptures or student-made posters.

Art Supplies:

Basic stationery such as scissors, glue, tape, markers, and paint can go a long way in making your classroom look inviting and colorful. You can also involve your students in creating DIY decorations using these supplies.

Nature’s Bounty:

Take advantage of the natural beauty around you by incorporating plants, flowers, and branches into your classroom decor. These elements not only add a refreshing touch but are also budget-friendly.

Decorating Ideas

Now that you’ve gathered your materials, here are some creative ideas for decorating your classroom with no money:

11 Step-by-step Guidelines on How to Decorate a Classroom With No Money

Step 1: Start by Decluttering

One of the easiest and cheapest ways to decorate a classroom is by getting rid of any unnecessary items that may be taking up space. This will not only make your classroom look more organized, but it also gives you a blank canvas to work with when decorating. It’s a simple task that won’t cost you anything, and it can make a big difference in the overall appearance of your classroom.

It also allows you to see what materials you already have available to use in your decorations. But remember to recycle any materials you may remove during this step. It’s always best to be environmentally friendly!

Step 2: Utilize Natural Light

Natural light is not only beneficial for students’ learning experience, but it also adds warmth and brightness to your classroom. Use this to your advantage by positioning student desks and learning stations near windows. You can also hang sheer curtains or use window clings to add some color and excitement to the classroom. It’s a simple and cost-effective way to decorate your classroom.

This also gives students a chance to look outside and observe the changing seasons, which is an excellent educational experience. You can also use plants to decorate your windowsills. You can even have students decorate their own pots and plant seeds or small plants in them.

You Can Also Use Plants to Decorate Your Windowsills

Step 3: Repurpose Everyday Items

Instead of purchasing new decorations, get creative with everyday items that you already have in your classroom. For example, old cereal boxes can be painted and turned into colorful storage boxes for supplies. Or, use old magazines to create a collage on the classroom walls. It’s a great way to reduce waste and save money at the same time.

You can also involve your students in creating these decorations, making it a fun and educational activity. But remember not to use any materials that you may need for future lessons. After all, the purpose is to save money.

Step 4: Use Student Work as Decorations

Not only does displaying student work add a personal touch to the classroom, but it also showcases their achievements and creates a sense of pride in their learning environment. Plus, this doesn’t cost you a penny! It can be as simple as hanging up their artwork or showcasing their writing on a bulletin board. You can also encourage students to create posters or banners that relate to the current lesson or theme and use those to decorate the classroom.

This not only adds to the aesthetic of the classroom but also promotes active learning among students. It’s a win-win situation! However, make sure to rotate the displays and give all students a chance to showcase their work.

Step 5: Incorporate Plants

Adding some greenery to your classroom can make a big difference in the overall look and feel of the space. You can ask students or their parents to donate plants, or even take cuttings from your own plants at home to propagate for free. It’s a simple and affordable way to add life and color to your classroom.

Plus, plants also have numerous benefits for students, such as reducing stress, improving air quality, and increasing concentration levels. But make sure to water and take care of the plants regularly. But don’t worry, you can ask students to help with this task!

Take Care of the Plants Regularly

Step 6: Get Creative with Storage

Instead of buying expensive storage solutions, get creative and use items like mason jars or shoe boxes to hold supplies. You can decorate these containers with paint or wrapping paper for a fun and personalized touch. But remember not to use any materials that you may need for future lessons.

Not only is this a great way to save money, but it also promotes organization and teaches students about repurposing items. It’s a win-win situation! You can also involve your students in creating these storage solutions, making it a fun and educational activity. This will also give students a sense of ownership and responsibility for maintaining an organized classroom.

Step 7: Use Wall Decals

Wall decals are an affordable and easy way to add some color and personality to your classroom walls. They come in various designs, shapes, and sizes, and can be easily removed without damaging the walls. It’s a great option if you are not allowed to paint or hang anything on the walls. You can also get creative and use washi tape to create geometric patterns or borders on your walls.

 Use Washi Tape to Create Geometric Patterns

The best part? It’s easy to change up the design whenever you feel like it! This also allows you to involve your students in the decorating process and make it a fun activity. It’s a simple and budget-friendly way to add some visual interest to your classroom.

Step 8: Make Use of Free Printables

The internet is filled with free printable resources that you can use to decorate your classroom. From educational posters to motivational quotes, there are endless options available for you to download and print for free. But remember not to print too many, as this can quickly become expensive.

You can also get creative and use these printables to create your own custom decorations, such as banners or labels for supplies. But always remember to use recycled paper for any printing you do in the classroom. You can even involve your students in the design process and make it a fun activity.

Step 9: Involve Students in the Decoration

Not only will involving students in the decoration process save you time and money, but it also gives them a sense of ownership over their learning space. They can create artwork to display, or even help with decorating tasks such as hanging up posters or arranging furniture. This not only promotes teamwork and collaboration but also encourages creativity among students.

Hanging Up Posters or Arranging Furniture

Plus, it’s a great way to make the classroom feel more welcoming and personal for both you and your students. Although it may take longer than decorating on your own, the end result will be worth it.

Step 10: Get Creative with Fabric

Fabric is an inexpensive way to add color and texture to your classroom. You can use fabric to cover bulletin boards, create curtains or tablecloths, or even make a classroom banner with student handprints. It’s a versatile material that can be easily found at thrift stores, or you can even repurpose old clothing or bed sheets. You can also involve your students in this process and have them help with cutting and sewing the fabric.

It’s a cost-effective way to decorate your classroom while also promoting sustainability and creativity among students. But remember not to use any materials that you may need for future lessons.

Step 11: Use Your Imagination

The most important step in decorating a classroom with no money is to use your imagination and think outside the box. With some creativity, you can find ways to repurpose everyday objects and materials into beautiful decorations for your classroom. It’s also a great way to involve your students and make them feel like they are contributing to the classroom space.

Remember, decorating a classroom doesn’t have to be expensive. This can be an opportunity to teach students about being resourceful and finding creative solutions. So go ahead, let your imagination run wild and create a unique and budget-friendly classroom space for you and your students to enjoy!

Follow these 11 guidelines on how to decorate a classroom with no money, and you’ll see that creating an inspiring learning environment for your students doesn’t have to be expensive.

With some simple and creative ideas, you can transform your classroom into a welcoming and engaging space for your students to learn and grow. Don’t let a limited budget hold you back from creating the classroom of your dreams!

You Can Transform Your Classroom Into a Welcoming

Tips to Remember

  • Use Recycled Materials
  • Utilize Natural Light
  • Repurpose Everyday Items
  • Include Student Work in Decorations
  • Incorporate Plants for a Natural Touch
  • Get Creative With Storage Solutions
  • Use Wall Decals for Easy and Affordable Decoration
  • Take Advantage of Free Printable Resources Online
  • Involve Students in the Decoration Process to Save Time and Money
  • Use Fabric for Color and Texture in the Classroom
  • Use Your Imagination and Think Outside the Box!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Can I Decorate My Classroom Without Spending Any Money at All?

A1: Yes! With these 11 steps, you can effectively decorate your classroom with no money. Just be creative and resourceful with the materials you have on hand. It’s also a great opportunity to involve your students in the decoration process.

Q2: Is It Necessary to Have Fancy Decorations in My Classroom?

A2: No, a well-organized and inviting learning space is more important than fancy decorations. Remember, simple DIY decorations can be just as effective in creating an engaging environment for your students.

Simple DIY Decorations Can Be Just as Effective

Q3: How Often Should I Change My Classroom Decorations?

A3: There’s no set rule for how often you should change your classroom decorations. Some teachers like to change them every semester, while others prefer to keep the same decorations all year round. It ultimately depends on your personal preference and the needs of your students.

Q4: Can I Use the Same Ideas to Decorate a Home Classroom?

A4: Absolutely! These decorating ideas can be applied to any classroom, whether it’s in a traditional school setting or at home. Get creative and have fun with it! You can also involve your children or students in the process for a more personalized touch.


For the teacher who is looking for inexpensive ways to make their classroom inviting and interesting, there are numerous options. From DIY projects to free printables, these methods are simple, yet they provide a great impact in the classroom. Additionally, using items you already have around your house like kraft paper or chalkboard paint can give your area a unique look for minimal cost.

Furthermore, ask parents if they have any supplies that can be used in the room, such as posters or pictures — you may be surprised at what will be offered! Above all else, with a little creativity and effort, even those with no money can transform their classrooms into places students find not only comfortable but inspiring. Thanks for reading this article on how to decorate a classroom with no money.

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