How to Store Holiday Decorations

Come January, it’s time to pack away all the glitter and cheer of seasonal decorations. But proper storage can be a headache. How do you keep your delicate ornaments organized and safe from damage while also saving space? With a little planning and the right strategy, you can store your holiday décor with ease. Read on for our top tips on how to store holiday decorations.

How to Store Holiday Decorations

Can You Store Holiday Decorations?

Holidays are one of the best times of the year as they bring joy and warmth. The beautiful decorations around our homes make the atmosphere more picturesque. But with the holidays ending, it’s time to put those vibrant decorations away. Storing holiday decorations can lead to a clutter-free space and an organized home.

When considering storage, picking an area in your home that’s dry, cool, and avoids exposure to direct sunlight is essential. Invest in sturdy plastic containers or boxes that come in different sizes to safely store the ornaments, garlands, and lights.

Properly organizing and storing the decorations during the off-season ensures they remain in good condition and that you’re ready to create new, lasting memories when the next holiday season rolls around.

Why Should You Store Holiday Decorations?

The holiday season brings joy and happiness to millions of families worldwide. There is no shortage of holiday cheer from Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day. But, once the season is over, it’s time to pack away all the decorations until next year. Storing holiday decorations is an important task that should not be overlooked.

It protects your valuable decorations from damage and helps ensure they remain in top condition and are ready for use the following year. Proper storage can make all the difference in the longevity of your holiday decor, so don’t neglect this important task. A little bit of effort now can save you time and money and ensure that your holiday memories last for years to come.

How to Store Holiday Decorations Without the Hassle

1. Declutter and Donate

Before starting on your packing, take a moment to go through all your holiday decorations. Take out any boxes or ornaments that have been sitting for years, haven’t been used, or are broken. Chances are, you won’t even miss these items. Use this as an opportunity to donate items that still have a little life in them. You’ll feel good about doing a good deed while gaining more storage space.

2. Labeling is Key

Pack your holiday decorations into clear storage bins and label them. Be specific and clear about what is in each box. This not only makes the unpacking process easier, but it also saves you from having to open every single box to find that one item you were looking for.

Pack Your Holiday Decorations Into Clear Storage

3. Gift Wrap it Up

Use a few leftover bubble wrap or tissue paper sheets to protect delicate and fragile items. Also, consider using a Christmas tree bag-wrapping method for artificial trees to prevent damage to the branches during transit. The last thing you want is to break an ornament with sentimental value.

4. Go Vertical and Use All Your Storage Spaces

Invest in a storage system like shelves or racks that allow hanging or storing items vertically. Take advantage of all your storage spaces like wall hooks, ceiling racks, and even under beds to store your holiday décor. Maximize your storage, and your décor will be easy to access when next year’s holiday season rolls around.

5. Be Mindful of Temperature and Humidity

When storing holiday decorations, it’s crucial to consider temperature and humidity levels in the storage area. Extreme temperatures can cause damage to delicate items like candles or wooden decorations. Keep your holiday décor away from any heat sources or areas prone to high humidity levels.

6. Use Vacuum Bags for Soft Items

Vacuum bags are a great way to store soft decorations like stockings, tree skirts, and plush toys. These bags save space and protect your items from dust and potential damage. Just be sure to pack them correctly without overfilling the bag.

7. Take Photos for Next Year

Before taking down your holiday decorations, take photos of how you have everything set up. This will save you time and energy next year when it’s time to put everything back up. You can also use these photos to reference how you want to decorate next year.

5 Considerations Things When You Need to Store Holiday Decorations

1. Choose the Right Storage Space

When storing holiday decorations, choosing the right storage space is important. Make sure that the area is dry and free from pests or mold. You should also consider the size of your decorations when selecting a storage space, as you want to ensure that all of your items fit comfortably. Additionally, if you have fragile decorations, ensure they are stored away from direct sunlight or any other heat sources.

2. Clean and Dry Decorations

Before storing holiday decorations, it is important to clean and dry them thoroughly. This will help to prevent dust and dirt buildup, which can damage your decorations over time. Use a soft cloth or brush to gently remove dirt or debris from each decoration before storing them. You can use a mild soap solution to clean delicate items such as glass ornaments if necessary.

Use a Soft Cloth

3. Use Protective Materials

When storing holiday decorations, it is important to use protective materials such as bubble wrap or newspaper to protect fragile items such as glass ornaments from breakage during transport and storage. Additionally, if you have items made from fabric, such as stockings or tablecloths, you should consider using acid-free tissue paper to prevent discoloration over time.

4. Label Boxes

Labeling boxes is an important step when storing holiday decorations as it will help you easily find what you need when decorating for the holidays in the future. Make sure that each box is clearly labeled with its contents so that you don’t have to spend time searching through multiple boxes trying to find what you need.

Labeling Boxes is an Important Step When Storing

Labeling boxes will also help you keep track of how many boxes of decorations you have so that you know exactly how much storage space is needed for next year’s decorations.

5. Store in Climate Controlled Environment

Finally, when storing holiday decorations, it is important to store them in a climate-controlled environment such as a basement or attic space if possible. Storing your decorations in an area where temperatures remain relatively constant throughout the year will help preserve their condition for longer periods than if stored in an area with extreme temperature changes throughout the year.

5 Benefits of Store Holiday Decorations

1. Increased Foot Traffic

Store holiday decorations can be a great way to attract more customers to your business. Adding festive decorations to the exterior of your store can draw in potential customers who are passing by while adding decorations to the interior of your store can create a warm and inviting atmosphere that encourages customers to stay longer and browse more products.

2. Boosts Brand Recognition

Using holiday decorations is also an effective way to boost brand recognition and make your business stand out. By using unique or eye-catching decorations, you can create a memorable experience for your customers that will help them remember your brand and return.

3. Creates Positive Associations

Decorating for the holidays can also help create positive associations with your business in the minds of consumers. When people think of the holidays, they often think of spending time with family, giving gifts, and enjoying special treats—all things that you can incorporate into your holiday decorating scheme. This helps create a positive association in the minds of consumers between your business and the happy memories associated with the holidays.

4. Increases Customer Engagement

Store holiday decorations are also an effective way to increase customer engagement and encourage them to interact with your products or services. For example, you could set up a photo booth or display window featuring seasonal items that customers can take pictures with or admire from afar. This encourages customers to engage with your products or services in a fun and memorable way.

5. Enhances Shopping Experience

Finally, store holiday decorations are an effective way to enhance the overall shopping experience for customers. Creating a festive atmosphere throughout your store can make it easier for customers to find what they’re looking for and enjoy their time browsing through products or services during their visit.

Some Common Mistakes People Make When Trying to Store Holiday Decorations

The holiday season brings joy and warmth to our homes, but once it’s over it’s time to pack up the decorations and store them safely until the next year. However, despite our best intentions, we often make common mistakes that can lead to damaged ornaments and tangled-up lights. One mistake is not properly labeling the boxes that contain your decorations.

This can lead to a frustrating search the following year. Another mistake is not taking the time to properly wrap each ornament. Without proper wrapping, ornaments can easily break or become scratched.

Lastly, not storing decorations in a temperature-controlled environment can result in damage caused by moisture and extreme temperatures. By avoiding these mistakes, you can ensure your holiday decorations are ready to be enjoyed for years to come.

Properly Wrap Each Ornament


Taking care of your holiday decorations doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With a little bit of care and planning, your décor can be stored safely and efficiently. Maximize your storage space, use clear bins to organize your items, and make unpacking a breeze.

Protect delicate items with a few sheets of bubble wrap or tissue paper, and consider donating items that are no longer being used. Thanks for reading our post about how to store holiday decorations and happy decorating!

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